Trump and Jamie Dimon...

It appears that Trump and Jamie Damon have forged some sort of 'trust'  recently.  According to press reports (known to be highly inaccurate...) they have been meeting in secret of late. Collaborating on very important topics including the economy, geopolitical hotspots, etc. Such begs the question, why?... 

Jamie Dimon? Why is Trump consulting with him? Why does he think his opinion is any more valuable than anyone else's? Yes, he is the chief of a major banking institution but does that by default make him an expert on global geopolitics? No, it does not. Think about this. Jamie Damon has spent his career focused on two things; shareholder value and his own value. And not necessarily in that order. Probably not in that order. Are banks known for  making depositors rich? No. Where do all bank assets come from? Depositors. Without them there would be no banks, there would be no need for them. Without depositors there would be no bank revenues. Has anyone in the history of the United States become wealthy from placing their money in a bank? No, of course not. People become wealthy from investing in businesses that embrace ideas and innovation. That involve real risks. A banks' idea of risk involves will a borrower repay a loan. Will someone with infinitely more gumption for risk than ourselves succeed so that we, the bank can capitalize off of their success?  

From a banks' perspective, you take the risk, we take the rewards. Banks are economic parasites. Somewhat like the government, you take the risks, we take the rewards. The more you succeed, the more we succeed. When a bank makes a loan, where do the funds come from? Depositors. Working people. Successful entrepreneurs. They operate purely off OPM. Other people's money. Sort of like in baseball, earned runs versus unearned runs. Every dime a bank makes is an unearned run. Banks' ideas of innovation are developing new revenue streams. What exactly is a 'revenue stream'? A way of generating more income from depositors. The only place it can possibly come from. 

Jamie Dimon has experience with economics. He understands supply and demand. But only from a monetary perspective. When someone needs money, how can the bank profit most from lending them the money?... That's a far cry from what best serves a global economy... 

Is Jamie Dimon a reliable and valued source of consult? No. Not for a president...

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