Some Big Changes coming to the United States...

     Yes, there are some changes coming to the U.S., I think it's safe to say. Just as it was with the election, we cant say with any certainty just what things are going to look like in four years. What we can say is a lot of things are going to be very different. The entire political landscape has already changed and there are many more changes coming. And it's never going to be the same as it once was. 

Let's start with the Democratic Party. With the outcome of the election, i.e. Trump winning in a landslide including all seven swing states the Democratic Party has all but imploded. They are adrift on the open sea with no prevailing wind. They are without leadership, Biden has ultimately and apparently joyously bowed out. The remaining has-been leaders are all left pointing at one another attempting to place the blame for this perfect fiasco on someone, anyone other than themselves. Nancy Pelosi, the once self-anointed 'Godmother' of the party who took the lead role in forcing Papa Joe to drop from the race is blaming the debacle on Joe himself for not dropping out sooner. Her street creds within the party are fading faster than a West Texas sunset. Apparently, that isn't enough though to stop her from announcing that she will be running for another term... Fuggidaboutit Nancy. The pompous mouths we have heard so much from for the past four years are conspicuously quiet of late, i.e Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schitt. For the next four years, at least, they will have about as much clout as a death-row inmate. America has sounded off on what they want and don't want in government. And evidently it doesn't include the Democratic Party that we have come to know. So, they will have to change, regroup, re-organize, re-invent themselves. What will that look like? Your guess is as good as mine. Let's hope for their sake that they are smart enough to learn from this election just what that does not include. The big take-away from all this that they should heed; the Democrats don't get to make all the rules. 

We already have the rules, have had for nigh 250 years. They're called the Constitution, aka the rule of law. All the accusations of Trump having no regard for the rule of law and now, after the election we have commissioners in Pennsylvania insisting on including illegal ballots in the final count. "Nobody follows the law in America and nobody cares," they say when confronted. The governor of Massachusetts has declared the state will not cooperate with Immigration authorities regarding deportations. Rule of law? Hello? Jack Smith has already resigned. Rumor has it he will be moving to somewhere in Africa. Juan Merchan has gone ducked underground like a gopher for as long as he can get away with it. A word of advice Juan, I would not want to be the individual that has gone against the will of the American people. Give Kamala a call and ask her what that feels like. You might want to consider repatriating to Columbia, or wherever the hell you came from. Letitia James, Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis, your pink slips are being prepared. You need to be looking for other employment opportunities. Try looking for some that have nothing to do with the rule of law. Or just law, period... And for any of you other Soros funded DA's left out there, dont even think about it...

And the leftist, liberal mainstream media... All your lies, slander and deliberate misinformation couldn't sway the voters. They did what they thought was right in spite of you. So if you can't influence elections to the outcome you want, what will actually be your role in America going forward? Just keep trying no matter what? Making the same mistake over and over again never yields the desired outcome. Learn from it. Change. For some strange reason I feel like I'm talking to a tree. Maybe even a dead tree. Do what you want, we dont care. As has been demonstrated...

Whether you're a Trump fan, a Biden fan or a Harris fan, at this point it doesn't matter. If you're an American get with the program whether you like the program of the  leadership or not. Root for America and do something to help America's cause. Trump's running the show now, in four years it will be someone else. You can't love your country only when you win, to quote the current Democratic Party leader. We're all Americans, we need to all act like Americans. 

#2024 election. #Trump  #politicalanalysis

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