Let's Recap... #2024 election. #trumpwins. #election recap

 The 2024 election is over so let's recap and reflect a little. Trump won and the Democratic Party is in shambles. Biden appeared Thursday morning and seemed to be in good spirits. Actually, very good spirits. As if he were enormously relieved that his party affiliates were enormously embarrassed. What other reason could possibly explain his affable and conciliatory address that his administration would fully cooperate with the transition of power. Even having lunch with his nemesis who, according to him recently was an unhinged, Hitler doppleganger. One may even believe that his senility had subsided long enough for him to reason, "You sumbitches made your bed, now lie in it..." 

"How did you spend $1 billion and not win?" In fact, she spent more than that, she's $20 million in debt with campaign expenses. Some of the major players who orchestrated Biden's benching might just be on hand when the chickens come home to roost. Nancy Pelosi pushed hard to sideline Biden. With Trump and the Republicans set to control all three branches of government, what will her new role be? Perhaps working with Kackala at McDonalds... And the big Kahuna himself, Barry Obama. Back when Hillary was a contender BHO pushed hard for her to be given the nomination. As he did to get Biden out of the melee. Hmmm. That looks a lot like two screw-ups, back to back. Maybe Obama should go back to community activism in Chicago. Looks like he stinks at political strategy. And of course the two poster boys for liberal ineptitude, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff did their part to get Biden out of the way. Schiff said, "If Biden is the nominee, we lose..." Biden wasn't the nominee and they lost anyway. Arguably, they lost big. 

All of this and lest we forget that there was palpable evidence that Biden's wherewithal was sliding down a slippery slope. If, let's say, he would have run, would he have had a snowballs' chance in hell of winning. No, save the discussion, he would not. 

All the crying in the world Jimmy Kimmel isn't going to change a thing. Is it the end of the world? For you maybe, for everyone else, no. All you little university pupils who spent the day after election in your liberal-sanctioned daycare having milk and cookies, get your asses back to class. Life is hard and it's real. Deal with it. All of us evil, fascist conservatives had to endure 12 years of Barry Obama and Joe Biden. They literally threw trash all over the highway now the garbage crew has to come along and clean it up. Sucks, doesn't it?...

#bulldog politics. #2024 election. #trumpwins #election recap

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