I'm Going to make an Execption for Alvin Bragg...

 I do not typically target an individual in my blog posts for criticism, but due to extenuating circumstances I'm going to make an exception. Alvin Bragg, the New York City district attorney. His name has become a household name, but for all the wrong reasons. He is, of course the prosecutor behind one of the 'lawfare' cases targeting President-elect Donald Trump. First, let me make one thing perfectly clear, this has nothing to do with differences in political ideology. We're all entitled to our own opinions and our opinions are protected by the second amendment. This is only about the egregiously narrow-minded, progressive, Trump derangement syndrome driven behavior exhibited by Alvin Bragg. The fairness presumed of the American justice system, the rule of constitutional law, the will of the people be damned. The biased agenda of Alvin Bragg and Judge John Merchan and whoever else supporting him behind the scenes (George Soros at the top of the list...) apparently was all that mattered. Everyone is equal under the law, well, everyone except Donald Trump. This is a blog, not a news report. My blog. I can say what I want. I'm exercising my constitutional rights. Alvin Bragg is a fat ass pig. Nothing more, nothing less. He behaves like a fat ass pig and even looks like a fat ass pig. He does not behave like the fair minded purveyor of justice that he was elected to be. His actions are the result of his ignorance and prejudice. He is a disgrace. 

John Merchan, ditto. He is a Democratic Party puppet and lackey. His bias consumes him. He and his predecessor Judge Engoron have displayed enough judicial misconduct to fill a prison cell at San Quentin. This little trio has coined the concept of lawfare. Using the law to punish or disable your political opponents. They made a mockery of the system of justice in America. The behavior and actions of Alvin Bragg, Juan (John) Merchan, Fani Willis and Letitia James have shaken the foundations of the rule of law that hold American society together. Your behavior has not gone unnoticed by any stretch of the imagination. In fact if you stooges will take a look at the recent election results you will clearly see America does not approve of your ignominious antics. We hope you are not expecting to further your misguided and deplorable careers with these stunts. Your journey into the depths of progressivism is over. Pack your bags, you pigs...

#election2024 #Alvinbragg. #juanmerchan #politicalanalysis

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