Cast your vote...

 It's the eve of the 2024 election. The campaigns, the rallies, the slander, insults, lies (well, maybe not the lies,,,), the underhanded shenanigans and outright corruption is about to come to an end. At least, maybe, until the next contest. There are a lot of posts and positions up for grabs and the next occupant of each is sure to cast some impact on some group. But the big cahuna that will impact ever damn one of us in some way to some extent, is the presidential contest. Everyone has an opinion which could be based on any number of things; articles, facts, life experiences, polls, you name it. 

The time to state actual facts, occurrences, statements, claims, defensive positions etc. has passed. The 'undecideds' now are not going to determine the winner. The indication that the 'polls' are telling us that this is a toss-up, is just that, an indication. They are statistical samples. They include a margin of error. That means that a calculable percentage that the sample will be wrong is certain. This is not speculation, it has been proven. When the average 'Joe' sees a margin of error of 3 to 5 percent, it's human nature to feel that chance of the sample being wrong is negligible. And it is, so to speak, but it exists. Does that mean that they are almost certainly accurate. Getting into semantics now, let's not do that. The general consensus based on what we know is it's a toss-up. What the people choose and what the electorate choose won't be known until tomorrow and December 17th, respectively. The choices may be the same and they may not. 

The path the country takes economically, with respect to immigration, foreign policy, and in other ways will vary greatly depending on the outcome. Every life in America will be affected. Global geopolitics will be affected. Life in America has become divided and polarized. The best possible outcome from this election doesn't rest on which candidate wins. It rests on whomever wins lives up to the confidence placed in them to be the leader they claimed to be. And to take into account the good of the people and the country in every decision they make.

God help us and God Bless the United States of America.

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