Trump and Jamie Dimon...

It appears that Trump and Jamie Damon have forged some sort of 'trust'  recently.  According to press reports (known to be highly inaccurate...) they have been meeting in secret of late. Collaborating on very important topics including the economy, geopolitical hotspots, etc. Such begs the question, why?... 

Jamie Dimon? Why is Trump consulting with him? Why does he think his opinion is any more valuable than anyone else's? Yes, he is the chief of a major banking institution but does that by default make him an expert on global geopolitics? No, it does not. Think about this. Jamie Damon has spent his career focused on two things; shareholder value and his own value. And not necessarily in that order. Probably not in that order. Are banks known for  making depositors rich? No. Where do all bank assets come from? Depositors. Without them there would be no banks, there would be no need for them. Without depositors there would be no bank revenues. Has anyone in the history of the United States become wealthy from placing their money in a bank? No, of course not. People become wealthy from investing in businesses that embrace ideas and innovation. That involve real risks. A banks' idea of risk involves will a borrower repay a loan. Will someone with infinitely more gumption for risk than ourselves succeed so that we, the bank can capitalize off of their success?  

From a banks' perspective, you take the risk, we take the rewards. Banks are economic parasites. Somewhat like the government, you take the risks, we take the rewards. The more you succeed, the more we succeed. When a bank makes a loan, where do the funds come from? Depositors. Working people. Successful entrepreneurs. They operate purely off OPM. Other people's money. Sort of like in baseball, earned runs versus unearned runs. Every dime a bank makes is an unearned run. Banks' ideas of innovation are developing new revenue streams. What exactly is a 'revenue stream'? A way of generating more income from depositors. The only place it can possibly come from. 

Jamie Dimon has experience with economics. He understands supply and demand. But only from a monetary perspective. When someone needs money, how can the bank profit most from lending them the money?... That's a far cry from what best serves a global economy... 

Is Jamie Dimon a reliable and valued source of consult? No. Not for a president...

I'm Going to make an Execption for Alvin Bragg...

 I do not typically target an individual in my blog posts for criticism, but due to extenuating circumstances I'm going to make an exception. Alvin Bragg, the New York City district attorney. His name has become a household name, but for all the wrong reasons. He is, of course the prosecutor behind one of the 'lawfare' cases targeting President-elect Donald Trump. First, let me make one thing perfectly clear, this has nothing to do with differences in political ideology. We're all entitled to our own opinions and our opinions are protected by the second amendment. This is only about the egregiously narrow-minded, progressive, Trump derangement syndrome driven behavior exhibited by Alvin Bragg. The fairness presumed of the American justice system, the rule of constitutional law, the will of the people be damned. The biased agenda of Alvin Bragg and Judge John Merchan and whoever else supporting him behind the scenes (George Soros at the top of the list...) apparently was all that mattered. Everyone is equal under the law, well, everyone except Donald Trump. This is a blog, not a news report. My blog. I can say what I want. I'm exercising my constitutional rights. Alvin Bragg is a fat ass pig. Nothing more, nothing less. He behaves like a fat ass pig and even looks like a fat ass pig. He does not behave like the fair minded purveyor of justice that he was elected to be. His actions are the result of his ignorance and prejudice. He is a disgrace. 

John Merchan, ditto. He is a Democratic Party puppet and lackey. His bias consumes him. He and his predecessor Judge Engoron have displayed enough judicial misconduct to fill a prison cell at San Quentin. This little trio has coined the concept of lawfare. Using the law to punish or disable your political opponents. They made a mockery of the system of justice in America. The behavior and actions of Alvin Bragg, Juan (John) Merchan, Fani Willis and Letitia James have shaken the foundations of the rule of law that hold American society together. Your behavior has not gone unnoticed by any stretch of the imagination. In fact if you stooges will take a look at the recent election results you will clearly see America does not approve of your ignominious antics. We hope you are not expecting to further your misguided and deplorable careers with these stunts. Your journey into the depths of progressivism is over. Pack your bags, you pigs...

#election2024 #Alvinbragg. #juanmerchan #politicalanalysis

Some Big Changes coming to the United States...

     Yes, there are some changes coming to the U.S., I think it's safe to say. Just as it was with the election, we cant say with any certainty just what things are going to look like in four years. What we can say is a lot of things are going to be very different. The entire political landscape has already changed and there are many more changes coming. And it's never going to be the same as it once was. 

Let's start with the Democratic Party. With the outcome of the election, i.e. Trump winning in a landslide including all seven swing states the Democratic Party has all but imploded. They are adrift on the open sea with no prevailing wind. They are without leadership, Biden has ultimately and apparently joyously bowed out. The remaining has-been leaders are all left pointing at one another attempting to place the blame for this perfect fiasco on someone, anyone other than themselves. Nancy Pelosi, the once self-anointed 'Godmother' of the party who took the lead role in forcing Papa Joe to drop from the race is blaming the debacle on Joe himself for not dropping out sooner. Her street creds within the party are fading faster than a West Texas sunset. Apparently, that isn't enough though to stop her from announcing that she will be running for another term... Fuggidaboutit Nancy. The pompous mouths we have heard so much from for the past four years are conspicuously quiet of late, i.e Chuckie Schumer and Adam Schitt. For the next four years, at least, they will have about as much clout as a death-row inmate. America has sounded off on what they want and don't want in government. And evidently it doesn't include the Democratic Party that we have come to know. So, they will have to change, regroup, re-organize, re-invent themselves. What will that look like? Your guess is as good as mine. Let's hope for their sake that they are smart enough to learn from this election just what that does not include. The big take-away from all this that they should heed; the Democrats don't get to make all the rules. 

We already have the rules, have had for nigh 250 years. They're called the Constitution, aka the rule of law. All the accusations of Trump having no regard for the rule of law and now, after the election we have commissioners in Pennsylvania insisting on including illegal ballots in the final count. "Nobody follows the law in America and nobody cares," they say when confronted. The governor of Massachusetts has declared the state will not cooperate with Immigration authorities regarding deportations. Rule of law? Hello? Jack Smith has already resigned. Rumor has it he will be moving to somewhere in Africa. Juan Merchan has gone ducked underground like a gopher for as long as he can get away with it. A word of advice Juan, I would not want to be the individual that has gone against the will of the American people. Give Kamala a call and ask her what that feels like. You might want to consider repatriating to Columbia, or wherever the hell you came from. Letitia James, Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis, your pink slips are being prepared. You need to be looking for other employment opportunities. Try looking for some that have nothing to do with the rule of law. Or just law, period... And for any of you other Soros funded DA's left out there, dont even think about it...

And the leftist, liberal mainstream media... All your lies, slander and deliberate misinformation couldn't sway the voters. They did what they thought was right in spite of you. So if you can't influence elections to the outcome you want, what will actually be your role in America going forward? Just keep trying no matter what? Making the same mistake over and over again never yields the desired outcome. Learn from it. Change. For some strange reason I feel like I'm talking to a tree. Maybe even a dead tree. Do what you want, we dont care. As has been demonstrated...

Whether you're a Trump fan, a Biden fan or a Harris fan, at this point it doesn't matter. If you're an American get with the program whether you like the program of the  leadership or not. Root for America and do something to help America's cause. Trump's running the show now, in four years it will be someone else. You can't love your country only when you win, to quote the current Democratic Party leader. We're all Americans, we need to all act like Americans. 

#2024 election. #Trump  #politicalanalysis

Let's Recap... #2024 election. #trumpwins. #election recap

 The 2024 election is over so let's recap and reflect a little. Trump won and the Democratic Party is in shambles. Biden appeared Thursday morning and seemed to be in good spirits. Actually, very good spirits. As if he were enormously relieved that his party affiliates were enormously embarrassed. What other reason could possibly explain his affable and conciliatory address that his administration would fully cooperate with the transition of power. Even having lunch with his nemesis who, according to him recently was an unhinged, Hitler doppleganger. One may even believe that his senility had subsided long enough for him to reason, "You sumbitches made your bed, now lie in it..." 

"How did you spend $1 billion and not win?" In fact, she spent more than that, she's $20 million in debt with campaign expenses. Some of the major players who orchestrated Biden's benching might just be on hand when the chickens come home to roost. Nancy Pelosi pushed hard to sideline Biden. With Trump and the Republicans set to control all three branches of government, what will her new role be? Perhaps working with Kackala at McDonalds... And the big Kahuna himself, Barry Obama. Back when Hillary was a contender BHO pushed hard for her to be given the nomination. As he did to get Biden out of the melee. Hmmm. That looks a lot like two screw-ups, back to back. Maybe Obama should go back to community activism in Chicago. Looks like he stinks at political strategy. And of course the two poster boys for liberal ineptitude, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff did their part to get Biden out of the way. Schiff said, "If Biden is the nominee, we lose..." Biden wasn't the nominee and they lost anyway. Arguably, they lost big. 

All of this and lest we forget that there was palpable evidence that Biden's wherewithal was sliding down a slippery slope. If, let's say, he would have run, would he have had a snowballs' chance in hell of winning. No, save the discussion, he would not. 

All the crying in the world Jimmy Kimmel isn't going to change a thing. Is it the end of the world? For you maybe, for everyone else, no. All you little university pupils who spent the day after election in your liberal-sanctioned daycare having milk and cookies, get your asses back to class. Life is hard and it's real. Deal with it. All of us evil, fascist conservatives had to endure 12 years of Barry Obama and Joe Biden. They literally threw trash all over the highway now the garbage crew has to come along and clean it up. Sucks, doesn't it?...

#bulldog politics. #2024 election. #trumpwins #election recap

It's All Over But the Crying...

 The election is over. Well, there are the electoral ballots yet to be cast and counted as well as the ratification by the Senate. For the most part these are formalities and won't change a thing. Donald Trump is #47. The liberal, ultra-biased, mainstream press is shocked. 

Shocked? Really? If that's truly the case it can only mean that the mainstream media is so arrogant that they have lost the ability to think objectively in any fashion. No need to recount all the tiresome details that lead up to this election disaster, it all unfolded in plain sight. The Democratic party simply self-imploded. But of all the lawless chicanery that took place, including  Hunters' laptop, the frivolous, ridiculous trials in New York and Georgia and Jack Smith tripping over himself like a drunken fool, the icing on the cake was the Democratic Party believing that they could take Kamala Harris and make her a credible candidate to be the president of the United States. The 'shocked' press, who for months on end aided and abetted the effort to hide Biden's decrepitude and then to prop up a vapid, pastel pant-suit that the majority would vote for simply because they hated Trump?... It didn't work. Not only did it not work, it literally blew up in their corrupt little faces. They took the American people for stooges and oh, what a colossal mistake that was.  On January 20, 2025, all three branches of the U.S. government will be lead by conservatives. All. of. them. They made the bet of the century and lost it all. 

Mr Trump, I have but one request. I'm confidant that you will accomplish much to the benefit of the American people during this term in office. But if you do but one thing while in office, do this. Make it crystal clear to the thick-headed, arrogant bastards who call themselves Progressive Democrats that 'lawfare' will not be tolerated in this country. If you have an opponent that you disagree with or personally don't like, run against them and take their job. You cannot weaponize the U.S. judicial system to disable and punish your adversaries. What I saw in the election yesterday was the American people saying we're not going to stand for this. And if you ever try it again, you'll likely get slapped down. Just like you did yesterday...

#2024election.  #mainstreamediasucks 

Cast your vote...

 It's the eve of the 2024 election. The campaigns, the rallies, the slander, insults, lies (well, maybe not the lies,,,), the underhanded shenanigans and outright corruption is about to come to an end. At least, maybe, until the next contest. There are a lot of posts and positions up for grabs and the next occupant of each is sure to cast some impact on some group. But the big cahuna that will impact ever damn one of us in some way to some extent, is the presidential contest. Everyone has an opinion which could be based on any number of things; articles, facts, life experiences, polls, you name it. 

The time to state actual facts, occurrences, statements, claims, defensive positions etc. has passed. The 'undecideds' now are not going to determine the winner. The indication that the 'polls' are telling us that this is a toss-up, is just that, an indication. They are statistical samples. They include a margin of error. That means that a calculable percentage that the sample will be wrong is certain. This is not speculation, it has been proven. When the average 'Joe' sees a margin of error of 3 to 5 percent, it's human nature to feel that chance of the sample being wrong is negligible. And it is, so to speak, but it exists. Does that mean that they are almost certainly accurate. Getting into semantics now, let's not do that. The general consensus based on what we know is it's a toss-up. What the people choose and what the electorate choose won't be known until tomorrow and December 17th, respectively. The choices may be the same and they may not. 

The path the country takes economically, with respect to immigration, foreign policy, and in other ways will vary greatly depending on the outcome. Every life in America will be affected. Global geopolitics will be affected. Life in America has become divided and polarized. The best possible outcome from this election doesn't rest on which candidate wins. It rests on whomever wins lives up to the confidence placed in them to be the leader they claimed to be. And to take into account the good of the people and the country in every decision they make.

God help us and God Bless the United States of America.

Protest, being indignant, or being stupid?...

  Last night President Trump addressed the nation in a speech. Several minutes into it, his speech was interrupted by a congressman from Tex...