What you see is not what you're going to get...

 With all the center-right babble coming out of Kamala Harris' pie-hole lately many voters are thinking, I like what I'm hearing and if all this is true she will be a wonderful alternative to electing Trump. She has backed off on many of her previous positions about certain issues that are important to conservatives. Immigration, the border wall, gun laws, restrictions and bans, fracking, etc.. Does she really mean this or is she just saying what a lot of voters want to hear so she can get elected then go back to being the way she has always been. She may be looking, quacking and walking like a conservative center right duck now, but don't fool yourself, she will go back to being the liberal lackey she has always been if elected. If you dont believe that, then hear me out. There are signs...

Harris has made it clear in a recent radio broadcast that she thinks the filibuster should be eliminated for Roe v Wade. Which means the only way to keep the filibuster is to have a Republican Senate. For some time the Democrats have wanted to do away with the filibuster because it has been a hindrance for progressives frustrated with the limits the current system places on their ability to enact sweeping changes. This idea has gained increasing support among Democrats but unfortunately Biden had reservations about eliminating it. For several years now two Democrats have stood in the way of getting it tossed, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. With Manchin and Sinema leaving the Senate it's not likely any Democrat would vote against having it eliminated. 

In the absence of the filibuster some very far left ideals could, and likely would become reality. Late stage abortion for one. Also things outside the abortion issue such as tax hikes, stricter gun laws, price controls, a single-payer health insurance system, maintaining the status quo on immigration laws, etc. Without the filibuster in place it will be much easier to get legislation through the Senate (which currently has a Democratic majority). Take it away and the country is on it's way the becoming a socialist society. What we're seeing and hearing now isn't necessarily what we'll get...


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