I dont disagree with the Pope...

 I read an article tonight about the Pope weighing in on the upcoming election. My reaction when reading the headline was somewhat akin to reading about a celebrity giving an opinion on the election. For the record, I detest the opinions of celebrities on politics. They're so uninformed... I was prepared to cast the Pope's opinion into the same intellectual wastebasket. But I read the article and I'm glad I did. Turns out the Pope and I have similar feelings about the candidates. He says to vote for the lesser of two evils. As far as I'm concerned he nailed it. We have two of the most unqualified, incompetent candidates for president in any election, ever. Whoever is elected, there are going to be problems. They're just going to be different problems depending on which person takes office. I have my feelings about which problems will be the most 'tolerable' but so does everyone else. Two topics of the many to consider that the Pope mentions are abortion and immigration. Obviously, the Pope is against the taking of any life no matter the stage of development that life may be in. I suppose abortion will always be a subject of contention. Sort of like the conflict in the Middle East, it's just not going to go away. Ever. We should stop expecting that it will go away. Instead, let's figure out a way to deal with it that will appeal to the majority. Honestly, is there any other way? Isn't that what democracy is about? Following the path that is the choice of the majority... I believe that is what Trump had in mind when he backed the path of turning the decision over to the individual states. That wasn't a choice of pro or anti abortion. It was let the states decide. The problem was the states are like 50 different people with 50 different opinions. Didn't actually solve anything. 

I have always revered and admired the Supreme Court. Not necessarily those selected to serve as jurists, but the concept of the court. However, just because the Supreme Court decides on something does not necessarily mean it was the best decision. They're just ordinary people who, like the rest of us screw up from time to time. Problem is, the concept of what is right and what is wrong varies from person to person. Even Supreme Court justices. Some are more learned and informed and can better determine what is right and wrong than others, but college degrees don't necessarily improve judgment. There are myriad things that come into play when it comes to good judgment, formal education is but one of them. Only one. Keep in mind, the president selects them, but he doesn't have the final say, congress does. It's a lot more convenient and convincing for politicians to claim the president did it, it's his fault. Congress did not have to agree with his choice. 

The Pope goes on to say it is ultimately up to each individual to decide, which is the lesser of the two evils. He also says the worst thing one can do is to not vote... Your Holiness, I agree with you. 

#presidentialelection.  #pope'sopinion.  #2024 election.  #Pope


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