Is it really a duck?

 We've all been watching the news lately, and if you want to keep up with Harris' constantly changing platform you have to. It's no secret that she is constantly 'shifting'. The general voting population in America is center right and Harris is doing whatever it takes to appeal to the center right. Mandatory gun buy-backs, gone. She even told Oprah today that if anyone tries to break in her home they're going to "get shot". (Seriously, shot by whom, exactly...) Fracking, she's all for it, now. Immigration and the border, she's now supporting measures that will fund building the border wall. (Gasp!)  Taxes, I will sign a bill ending taxes on tips. (Thanks Donald...) The staunch progressive and liberal leftist that has become her hallmark signature, has it really changed? Is she really center right now? Are the yellow dog democrats ok with this step-change? If she is elected, is that how she is going to govern? Will she remain true to her word? Or is this a ruse to get elected? Is all this rhetoric a euphemism, an artifice? 

The best one can do to answer that question is to look back in history. There have certainly been instances where powerful influential politicians have changed party affiliation. Harris isn't changing parties, but she's changing her policies to more closely resemble the other side.  Odd thing is the mainstream democrats don't seem to mind. Not yet, anyway. If she were to be elected would they continue to go along with this center-right shift? 

Most likely, no. They would not. Would she herself continue to go along with it? Most likely, no. I believe the general democratic consensus is - get elected. Whatever it takes. We'll take it from there. So if you are a voter and undecided at this point, and you believe what she is saying are you going to be disappointed if she is elected? Most likely, yes. But that's for the voters to decide. Look at it this way. When cops apprehend someone who allegedly has committed a crime, what's the first thing they do? Check their criminal record. If the perp has a lengthy criminal record then there's a good chance they're just continuing their career path. When the judge is sentencing them does he consider their prior criminal record? Yes, not always but most of the time. What do lawyers always consider when evaluating a case? Precedence. Summarily, one's past seldom escapes them. Is Harris' past being cast to the wind? 

You tell me... If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, is it really a duck? 

#kamalaharris. #politics. #2024election. 


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