Mark Cuban, listen up...

 I have never been and will never be a fan of celebrities giving their opinions, takes, op-eds, editorials or what have you on politics or anything else for that matter. However, for some reason (I'm being sarcastic, we all know what the reason is...) their opinions are omnipresent in the media. Whenever a celebrity says something, even if it's stupid (and it usually is...) it's in the news. Call me old fashioned but I tend to read and favor the opinions of learned people. Learned in the area of which they are giving an opinion. In the area of politics, ok, granted that's a difficult area to claim that one is learned in. But there are some who are able to understand what is happening and the background behind  such and communicate it effectively to others. In fact, there are some who were, or are remarkably good at it. The first who comes to mind is the late, revered Charles Krauthammer. This was a psychiatrist (by training) who became a political analyst later in life. His incisive interpretations of politics and analyses make him one of the brightest minds ever to objectively speak on the subject. Another is Karl Rove. A brilliant analyst who wasn't afraid to speak the truth. Alan Dershowitz, one of the brightest legal minds, ever. Jonathan Turley. And there are more... Something all of these people had in common, they were not partisan groupies. Their priorities were the rule of law and a strong moral compass. 

Amongst this list, you may notice there are no celebrities. Movie stars, rock stars, talk show hosts, business moguls, influencers, rappers, sorry, they don't make the cut. They don't have the background, training, education, life experience or common sense to give an informed opinion on political matters. What they DO have is a platform. Movies, songs, TV appearances, and media presence gives them a defacto voice that's heard by millions of people. Even if what they have to say is ill-informed and ignorant. 

Mark Cuban recently abused his platform with one of the most ignorant views ever heard from an allegedly intelligent citizen. Mark is a well known celebrity for his work as a financier, investor, and business mogul. He has done well financially, obviously an astute businessman. He has unfortunately and wrongly assumed that this qualifies him to publicly offer his misplaced opinions on politics. It's really an insult to those of us who can think for ourselves... 

Mark is a democrat. That's fine, we all have the right to choose what fits with our own personal world-view. Recently, Mark has ramped up his support of candidate Kackala Harris. That's fine, it's a free country, back the candidate of your choice. In some of his public appearances Mark has claimed that Trump is a 'socialist' and that the mainstream media "leans right." (Mark, you might want to lay off the sauce dude...) He went on to say that he would vote for Biden even if "Biden was being given his last rites." That's fine, back your candidate of choice, right up until the end, or last rites... But Trump is a socialist? Where exactly did you go to school Mark? Did you actually go to school? Do you understand what socialism is? Mark, how many fingers am I holding up?... You may be a savvy businessman but your basic knowledge of civics is seriously deficient. That you would make such a statement erodes any confidence in anything that comes resonates through your dentures.

Your claim that Harris is actually working toward a viable border solution is beyond risible. For three and a half years she has sat on her hands while making one charitable, photo-op trip to the border. For three and a half years this new centrist, gun-toting former McDonalds employee never thought to tell Papa Joe to just re-instate the remain in Mexico policy? And now we're supposed to believe that she can make an appearance at the border and pretend that she's the one who can make it all right? 

Mark, if I ever had any respect for you (I didn't) I no longer do. Your opinions are analogous to what gets flushed down toilets. Like most  of your celebrity friends, your opinion stinks. And most of us don't want to hear it. Stop insulting us Mark. Many of us out here are not stupid, as it appears you assume. We can think for ourselves. And if we had the platform you undeservingly have, we would tell you that...


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