The 2024 Debate...

 Last night was the presidential debate, Trump and Harris. It was just shy of two hours, of some fierce rhetoric. Most media accounts have claimed that Harris won the debate. If there was a 'win' on her part, it certainly wasn't because she wowed listeners with revealing an array of solid, reasonable stances on critically important topics. Most of her responses began with an insult or slanderous remark aimed at her opponent. Or maybe a throwback to some occurrence from her childhood that shaped her into the self-proclaimed powerhouse she is today. Many of the facets of her platform are copycats from Trumps'; immigration, fracking,... . And the lies and falsehoods gushed like Spindletop. Trump threw out some himself but they were infallibly met with an emergency 'fact-check'.  ABC like the rest of mainstream media was true-to-form. Trump was goaded and asked on occasion to answer complex questions with a yes/no answer. It's a hallmark of the times and a sad and embarrassing fact that most media outlets are a bastion of left leaning, biased pools of shameless wannabe journalists. Truth, integrity, and honesty died with Walter Cronkite. 

Trump managed to survive the hostility just as he did the bullets. Trouble is, he didn't do it quite so gracefully this time. He became angry and retaliatory, but then we've come to expect the from Trump. One would think that someone of his stature, with his accomplishments would be a skilled speaker, able to maintain his equanimity under fire. Not so. His emotions, frustrations and passions were pulsating from his face. All the while the core basis of his points were valid. He has been steadfast on his platform on every topic. No wishy washy flip-flopping. Unfortunately, he's a hot-head. Somewhat controlled, but a hot-head. 

Harris is seemingly relying on dispensing charm and promises. Most of her 'hot topics' such as child tax credits, small business loans, and first-time home buyer down-payments involve giving money away. A Democrat bedrock, give money away. They don't seem to be able to connect the dots of cash handouts and inflation. She talks a good line about dealing with foreign affairs and leaders, but there's no record of any success in that area. Someone with a lot more sense than her must have advised her to not bring up the idea of price controls to curb inflation. Your average college freshman knows that's not a good idea. 

To sum it up, it was a terrible debate. I would declare the winner to be no one. Harris is a pompous, unqualified, bag of hot air who struggles with mendacity. Trump is an arrogant, not so well-spoken yet more believable non-politician. You have to give him credit, he's doing a good job of surviving the cesspool of high level politics. They have been doing their level best to take him down. His intentions, do appear to be for the good of the country. He just doesn't seem to have the polish and the package for getting it done. But what he does have is the tenacity...

#presidential debate.  #2024 debate


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