The Shame of a President...

 Most of us grow up with a sense of reverence for the president. As young people, he is a person to look up to, after all, he is the leader of the entire country, and in essence the entire world.  We often hear him called the leader of the free world. He is the leader of all leaders. As we age though and learn to think for ourselves we become aware of things that are said and done by the president that give us pause. We begin to look at this person more critically and even question statements they make and their behavior. In spite of carrying unimaginable responsibility they are still human and prone to make mistakes. We expect this and allow for it, within reason. 

There are times, as we have learned in the past few administrations that a president can be short-sighted, highly partisan, selfish, damaging, fatalistic, and yes, unreasonable. We have had a good number of presidents throughout history that have set the bar high for courage and solid leadership and civility. And the consequences of these great leaders is evident in so many ways long after they're gone. For some leaders of the past we have to look long and hard to find their legacy fruits. Our constitution provides for changes in leadership to protect us. And each time there is a change in leadership we are accustomed to seeing it done with respect and civility. Such is a hallmark of a civilized democracy. As for the transition in power that we are currently seeing, well, it's embarrassing. 

Without going into much detail as it has been hashed in the news so much recently, Biden has reneged on his promise not to pardon his son. Hunter Biden who has multiple felony convictions related to firearms, drugs and taxes has been pardoned not only for those crimes but any others he may have committed over the last ten years. So have a lot of other criminals, over 1,500. A couple of examples; a former Pennsylvania judge who used his private jail system to incarcerate juveniles, while pocketing the profits. The Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro even condemned the pardon saying Biden got it 'absolutely wrong' in what was called the "kids for cash" scandal. Biden also pardoned Rita Crundwell, the former comptroller of Dixon, Illinois. Crundwell was convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 20 years for stealing over a 20 year period over $54 million from the town of 15,000 people. Crundwell admitted to embezzling from the city and using the money to live an extravagant lifestyle. Officials were only able to recover $40 million of the stolen money from court settlements and the recovery of illegitimate assets. 

Biden and his band of flunky bandits have been holding a fire sale on materials leftover from the prior Trump administration for building the southern border wall. The materials were paid for with taxpayer money. And, of course, there are the drones. The drones that have been seen over New York and New Jersey for the past several weeks. Some have even been spotted over California and Nevada. The Biden admin claims they know nothing about them except that they are not from U.S. adversaries and pose no threat to public safety. If they know nothing about them, how do they know they are not from U.S. adversaries and are not a threat to public safety? And given the state of Biden's mental capacity and the administration's proclivity for lying, why should we believe that or anything else they say?... We don't believe them nor do they care...

Joe Biden campaigned on claims of honesty and integrity and respect for the rule of law. Are we supposed to pardon him since he no longer has the ability to remember anything he said four years ago, or even four weeks ago? If I remember correctly, the words "No one is above the law" came out of his pie-hole at some point of pontification in the past. We have had three presidents impeached by Congress in the past, though none were convicted. We've had presidents who performed poorly, most in the years leading up to the civil war. And we've had only one who resigned from office. None of those in the above categories ever displayed the depraved behavior we are now seeing in Joe Biden. Is it because of broken mental faculties? Due to the reason of insanity? It doesnt matter. There are those responsible for preventing and/or stopping this from happening. Those responsible parties not only knew it was happening, they allowed it to continue to happen and lied to the American people about it. Joe Biden may be insane but they are evil. And they share in the shame of a president. 

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