Alternative News Sources worked here in America, but in Romania, not so much...

 I recently posted about how alternative news sources in the US had assumed a bigger role as primary news providers in the US. Our legacy media has been in a downward spiral for years and their behavior in the recent presidential election all but erased any credibility they may have had. Their refusal and reluctance to provide honest, objective reporting has contributed to their self-inflicted ride on the road to ruin. They are an established institution and as such can't be expected to go away with expedience. Just give them time, they'll get the job done. And it seems, they have they'll have ProPublica's help in getting it done.

ProPublica was about to publish an article "revealing' that Pete Hegseth's claim to have been offered admission to West Point was false. Upon investigation (their own) West Point told them (twice) there was no record of Pete Hegseth ever being offered admission to or attending West Point. Such a revelation would no doubt derail any chance of Senate approval of Hegseth for the Department of Defense cabinet position. An obvious win for progressives... 

Poor liberals/progressives, they cant seem to score a win no matter how hard they try. As a saving grace, if such is possible, ProPublica came to Hegseth's representatives for comment and he produced the evidence on the spot, his acceptance letter from West Point. I mean come on, who keeps their college acceptance letters?... Pete Hegseth does. West Point responded, Oh yes, as it turns out we were wrong... He was accepted after all. 

Had Pete hegseth not kept his college acceptance letter to West Point his nomination as Secretary of Defense would have crash-landed. The media would have successfully destroyed it. Erroneously. What they were attempting to prove, was that he was lying about being accepted to West Point. He was not lying. Had this gone to press as it almost did, Hegseth would be experiencing similar shame that Georgie Stephanopolis and ABC are currently. The only difference being that ABC and Georgie are actually guilty of lying, Pete Hegseth is not. Does the media once again have egg on their face? Yes, in fact their faces smell like rotten eggs.

The U.S. apparently isn't alone in suffering the irresponsibility and ignorance of the media. On November 24 the first round of presidential elections was held in Romania. A presumably, free election. The citizens of Romania voted overwhelmingly against the establishment party in power, a somewhat obscure candidate named Calin Georgiescu came from the shadows and secured a majority of 23% of the electorate. At that point Romania's high court stepped in and annulled the results. The second round of voting was cancelled and ordered the government to simply restart the voting process, but not until next year. Romania's government gave the excuse, "A Russian disinformation campaign on TikTok inappropriately directed voters to vote for Georgescu." The current administration believed that Georgescu's politics were amenable to Russian interests. And because the Russians spent time on TikTok coordinating messages in support of him, they saw fit to deem the entire election invalid. 

I'm not sure TikTok is the culprit here as their content does not come from journalists and they've never purported such. Though arguably, neither does that of ABC either... But I digress. One can't help but wonder just what kind of administration does Romania have? To give that much credence to something they saw on TikTok, of all places. At least Hillary paid someone to conjure up a somewhat realistic looking document to promote the Democrats' lies. Perhaps Romania should learn from our lesson, don't believe everything you see in the media. Or TikTok... Especially TikTok.

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