I Used to Be a Conspiracy Theorist...

 Now it appears, that isn't so anymore. Because there is evidence and some who knew the truth from the beginning are talking now. The Coronavirus was not a natural pathogen. Its origin is none other than a Chinese laboratory. In Wuhan. The CIA released an updated assessment indicating such. The Department of Energy and the FBI also have information that supports the lab-leak postulate. 

Remember back to late 2019 into 2020 the discourse about Covid-19 being a product of 'gain of function' research in the Wuhan virology lab, and was accidentally leaked from the lab? At the head of the camp to dismiss that theory was the unyielding argument posed by a Dr. Anthony Fauci. I think it's worth noting that Dr. Fauci recently was the beneficiary of a presidential pardon from Joe Biden. It wasn't stated that the pardon was for any particular grievance, however, I think it's becoming quite clear to even the most casual observer why he may be in need of one in the future. Fauci was responsible for some NIH funds there were channeled to Wuhan to study gain of function of the SARS-Cov2 virus. Gain of function means the transmissibility of a pathogen of a virus normally only found in animals to humans. It has not been proven conclusively that Covid was leaked from the lab but there are clues emerging that such was the case. 

What has been proven is the significant efforts that have been made to conceal and cover up information concerning the chain of events. An unnamed whistleblower described by House Republicans as a "highly credible senior level CIA officer" alleged that some of his colleagues that were of the opinion that a lab-leak was likely were offered a "significant monetary incentive to change their opinion." An 'omerta' of sorts emerged in the scientific community to mislead investigators. 

As of April 2024, over 7 million people have died as a result of the outbreak of the coronavirus. Countless millions have had their lives upended, lost jobs and livelihoods. Infirmities resulting from the effects of the disease. The fallout effects in the U.S. education system from school closings and remote learning have been disastrous. Thousands of U.S. military and government employees were laid off for refusing the Covid vaccine. The same fate was met by countless people in the private sector as well. Firearm sales surged during the early months of the pandemic as Americans feared an outbreak of violent lawlessness as a result of the social upheavals that were occurring. Beginning with the death of George Floyd, the summer of 2020 resulted in 19 deaths attributed to protests in multiple cities. Then began the irresponsible and excessive government spending which, as we know, was attributable to the runaway inflation we are and will be dealing with for some time to come. 

It was a global travesty. There have been colossal coverups and lies, and there will continue to be. Once history has been written, it cannot be unwritten. All who were complicit in this Cyclopean racket will do anything to ensure their name doesn't appear in the history books... But what is certain to be included in the annals of history is the baseless pardon handed out by Joe Biden to his chief medical adviser, Tony Fauci...

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