Goodbye Jim Acosta, and good riddance...

 Jim Acosta, the embattled and controversial CNN anchor announced Tuesday that he is leaving the network after 18 years. CNN offered Acosta a demotion to a middle-of-the-night time slot when practically no one is watching TV and those that are certainly aren't watching CNN News. "I have decided to move on," said Acosta. 

Acosta distinguished himself as the Anti-Trump icon during the President's first term. "I have always believed it's the job of the press to hold power accountable. I have always tried to do that here at CNN. One final message, don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold onto the truth, and to hope." Such eloquent articulation coming from a douchebag 'reporter' who thought himself to be a qualified political commentator. Like so many liberals, Acosta was unable to control his disdain for people and ideology that he didn't agree with. His job was to report, not opine, but he never seemed to get that. 

Just another liberal terminally ill with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Only Acosta, by fate or fortune found himself in a position to take advantage of any and all opportunities to increase his own public profile. As a reporter, he never actually provided any useful information to the public. One of his publicity stunts was in a 2018 press conference he sparred with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over Trump calling the press the "enemy of the people." Acosta said he thought it would be a good thing if Trump would disavow the comment because "I think we deserve that, " before he got up and left the room. He later claimed that leaving the room was an act of protest. Probably his most infamous moment came in a press conference that same year when he was arguing with Trump and refused to give up the microphone. He pushed aside the arm of a female aide, and the White House promptly revoked his press pass. A court restored his credentials in response to a lawsuit from CNN. 

Acosta, absent the ability or intelligence to execute the job of a reporter, and now absent employment will fade away from the profession of journalism. A job best handled by earnest and capable people. Acosta will undoubtedly join the group of misdirected, twisted liberal idealists who washed up on the deserted shores of politics where no one is around to give a crap.

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