Obama lectures the brothers...

 I suppose that most election campaigns are pretty much like this one as goes the shenanigans and lying. It's just a part of the game, though that seems a sorry excuse for such behavior. These are the people who are clamoring for leadership positions, some very powerful positions, yet they can somehow reconcile with themselves that behaving like the miscreants they are so adept at locking up is acceptable. Some, a lot, of that behavior is in plain sight for all to see but believe me there is so very much that goes on that remains well-hidden... And trust me when I say, neither side is innocent. Politics is a vicious, bloody game and the higher the stakes the more vicious it becomes. And in this campaign the stakes are at an apex. So many news articles from all sources try to expound on the details of dirty deeds that the other side has done. They are endless. As if with each revelation we're going to be shocked. The newspeople (I refuse to call them 'journalists') have become very clever at using forceful and expressive words such as "bombshell." Somehow trying to imply 'you're not going to believe this...'. 

The problem is we DO believe it. It's become nigh impossible to shock the voters with their bad behavior. Not only are we rarely surprised we've come to expect it. This is a good, no, make that great example of 'it is what it is...' It's reality, it's happened before and it's will continue to happen. I'm mainly talking about the players in the game, the candidates. But the candidates aren't the only ones playing dirty pool. In fact there are countless background players, most of whom remain invisible. But not all. In politics endorsements are big. They're important and they often make a difference. The higher the profile of the endorser the more impact the endorsement carries. I know not why but for Democrats the endorsement of Barack Obama seems to be highly coveted. I know, he's a former president but being a former president doesn't necessarily mean you were a good president. All it means is you are a former president. Obama is on the campaign trail stumping for Kamala. 

At a recent rally for Harris in Pittsburgh, Obama spoke to a group of black Harris supporters. His speech turned into a blatant lecture to black men about their failure to support her. At the beginning of his speech he claimed the he was here to "speak some truths." That word 'truths' is now in the  same category into which Bill Clinton famously placed the word 'is.' I'm sure you recall the trope "It depends on what your definition of is, is... ." 'Truths' is so loosely used now that it would impossible to document all of its new definitions. Anyway, Barry was going to let loose with some truths. "I have received reports that we have not seen the same kind of energy and enthusiasm that we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers. When you have a choice that is this clear, when you have someone who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences, who's able to put forth concrete proposals to correctly address the things that are vital in our neighborhoods and communities, from housing to making sure that our mothers and fathers and grandparents can afford medicine, and making sure that we are dealing with prices that are too high, and rents that are too high, and is committed to making sure we maintain the Affordable Care Act so everybody's got healthcare, and cares about things like education and entrepreneurship in our neighborhood. (OK, now from one run-on sentence to the next...)

"And on the other hand you have someone who has consistently shown disregard not just for communities but for you as a person. And you're thinking about sitting it out? And you're coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses? I've got a problem with that. Because it makes me think that you're not "feeling" the idea of having a woman as president."

His rant goes on but I'm going to stop there. So, according to you Barry, we have someone who we grew up with, went to college with, and who knows us? Seriously? So, she's the big sister none of us knew about? And undoubtedly she's going to take care of all those horrible issues plaguing us and make them go away. Just like she's been doing the past 3 plus years? Oh, and thank God she's going to maintain the ACA so our grandmas and grandpas will have good quality affordable healthcare. Barry, do me one favor. Just one. Call up a person, just one person who has had to rely on insurance they got in the 'marketplace' and ask them how's that working for you? 

And then on the other hand you've got this jerk that has done nothing good for no one, ever. Really? I just read an article revealing that he sent shipments of food, water and fuel to Hurricane victims in Georgia. At his own expense. What has this girl we went to college with done, never mind paying for it out of her own pocket...

OK, now you get the picture, now my commentary. If I were a black man I would be insulted and PO'd. How dare you talk down to us like that. We didn't grow up with her, we didn't go to college with her and she hasn't talked about (at least not in any language we could understand) any concrete proposals for fixing anything. She hasn't even done a single, solitary press conference. And you have a problem with us? Guess what, there's millions of us out here that have a problem with you and her. You think we're not feeling the idea of having a woman as president? The fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with it, stupid. She's incompetent, non-communicative, dense, vapid... 

Barry, a little advice, stop talking down to people that are smarter than you are. They are the ones out here dealing with high prices, high rents, immigration, etc. You're not. Black men are perfectly capable of figuring it out for themselves and making decisions for themselves. I mean, after all, they went to college with Kackala. 


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