I'm Proud of Black Journalists...The Latest Scandal

 First, a little background. I have been following the 2024 election and the stories surrounding the candidates very closely. I'm up to date. I know what's going on. Or well, I thought I did. We've all heard of Candace Owens, a bright, astute young black lady with a conservative bent who's very much on top of things. By that I mean she can figure out what's true and what's not... And Da Real ADogg, also a bright young black man who can think for himself. Has his own YouTube channel and discusses politics. Pretty impressive young fellow. I pretty much by accident stumbled upon his channel tonight and listened in. He was discussing an emerging scandal involving Kamala. 

Recently, Janet Jackson made a statement along the lines of 'I heard Kamala Harris wasn't really black.' Her publicist (or someone in her inner circle) issued a public statement that Janet meant to offend no one and is for peace and harmony blah, blah, blah. Then she promptly fired the publicist. Many of the well-known leftist mouths (CNN, MSNBC, Whoopie...) demanded an apology. She said I'm not apologizing for anything. Kamala recently said in public that she was of Indian heritage, now she is claiming to be black. I dont know what she is...

Candace, as she has been known to do, began researching the issue. She found, and showed on her YouTube channel copies of birth certificates. marriage certificates, photos, etc.. Some of the pictures she found showed Kamala with her paternal grandmother and grandfather. Let me start over; her 'alleged' paternal grandmother and grandfather. One of these photos in particular Kamala included in her recent autobiography The Truths We Hold. The photo is captioned as Kamala standing next to her grandmother Beril. Pretty common, most of us have photos of us with our grandmothers. However, Candace discovered from an official document that Harris' paternal grandmother passed in 1960, four years before Kamala Harris was born. So, that begs the question, who is this person standing next to Kamala Harris, if it's not her grandmother? We can speculate, but what we do know to be true is it is not her grandmother. And another question is why would she lie about this? And I guess while we're at it, if she would lie about this what else has she lied about?

There's no need to remind you that this person is running for President of the United States. We, the People have a fundamental right to expect and demand integrity from this person. Why would anyone, let alone this candidate need to lie about who their real grandparents are? And why haven't we heard about this anomaly in the news? Of course MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, they're not going to mention it because it would create some foul-smelling questions that would need to be answered. Fat chance of that happening. But it was discovered and raised some by young, sagacious journalists who can think for themselves and aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe. Bravo Candace and Dogg. Bravo! 

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