Is George Soros part of the deep state?...

I dont think this is a cut and dried, black and white answer. The main reason for that response is I dont think George Soros is a cut and dried, black or white person. You have to know some of his history to understand that, and a lot of what he has done and is doing will make more sense knowing some of his background. Soros has been a major influence in myriad political situations and maneuvers in American politics for a couple of decades, if not more. Without getting too deep (no pun intended...) into his background let me tell you a little about him. 

George Soros, born Georgy Schwartz is a native Hungarian known as an investor, businessman and philanthropist. He was born into a Jewish family, though they did not actively practice the religion. That is somewhat understandable considering the spread of Naziism at the time. Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and moved to England in 1947. He studied at the London School of Economics and was awarded a BSc in philosophy in 1951and then a MSc degree in philosophy in 1954. Soros began his career working in merchant banks before setting up his first hedge fund, called the Double Eagle in 1969. Profits from this fund enabled him to set up Soros Fund Management, his second hedge fund in 1970. Double Eagle was renamed Quantum Fund and was the principal fund Soros advised. Quantum Fund began with $12million in assets under his management and eventually grew to $25 billion, generating the majority of Soros wealth. It became the most successful hedge fund in history. 

Soros is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK Currency Crisis. During this crisis Soros sold short US$ 10 billion worth of pounds sterling, profiting $1 billion from the dubious transaction. I guess that stunt eliminated his chances of being knighted in England...

Soros supports progressive and liberal causes to which he donates generously through the Open Society Foundations. The Open Society Foundations is a US-based grant making network founded by Soros. The OSF charter is to support the aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media around the world. The 'catch' to that altruistic mumbo-jumbo is the version of justice, education, public health and independent media being supported is that of George Soros. Between 1979 and 2011 he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. By 2017 his donations on "civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world exceeded $12 billion. He influenced the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in the early 1990's. Soros funding of political causes  has made him the bogeyman of European nationalists. 

Critics of Soros, who is of Jewish descent have often claimed he is antisemitic. Conspiracy theories about him are boundless, especially amongst conservatives. Paul Krugman, a renowned economist who was critical of Soros effects on financial markets once said, "No one who has read a financial magazine in the past few years can be unaware that these days there really are investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'." Personally, I think George Soros is a self-centered, greedy, base individual. If I were an Englishman my opinion of him would be far less...  

Until the 2004 election Soros had not been a major contributor to U.S. political campaigns. During the 2003-2004 election cycle, Soros contributed over $25 million to tax-exempt groups purposed with defeating George W. Bush. After Bush's re-election, Soros and others backed a new political fundraising group called Democracy Alliance, which supports progressive causes and the formation of a stronger progressive infrastructure in America. If there truly is a 'deep state' in existence, its creation was sublimated at this point. 

From this point on most of us are aware of the many progressive and liberal causes Soros has funded. No need to name them all, maybe just the mention of a few names will serve as a reminder. Alvin Bragg, Fanni Willis, Nathan Wade, George Gascon, need I go on...As you can see George Soros has a, shall we say, complex background. Like the rest of us he is a product of his environment. Exactly how all this shaped his current and past philosophies is anyone's best guess. Soros has donated large amounts of money to many, varied causes, some, perhaps many of them honorably moral. Inspire of being a billionaire with current assets estimated at $6 - $7 billion, there are a number of individuals considerably more wealthy. Can you imagine Elon Musk with his wealth having similar political bents as Soros? God help us. What Soros doesn't appear to grasp (or care...) is most of the world doesn't share his world-view. We don't want to participate in it. We despise his buying political operatives to spread his progressivism. We despise those who are allowing him to get away with it. Yes Hillary, I'm talking to you. You are a scourge George and you need to go away. 

So, is George Soros part of the deep state? One can find evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ, of the Knights Templar, of dinosaurs. But one would be hard pressed to place hard evidence on the table of the deep state. Because that's the way they want it. They will deny its existence and their subversion until the end of time. For me, I can see enough evidence to believe it exists. And as I see it, I can also see a hologram of George Soros in the picture...

#soros #trump.  #Harrris #activism #election #2024election

Let's take a break and talk about life in general...

The election is in 12 days and that is of course a big deal. A very big deal.  The outcome will in some way affect each and every one of our lives in some way. It will affect the future course of our nation and our standing in the global order. I've been posting about it on here for weeks, talking about things that many of us don't hear about in the mainstream media outlets. But today, I want to take a break from politics and talk about something else. I changed the name of my blog recently to include "Life in General." We all have things going on in our lives that are important, sometimes even critical. We actually spend most of our waking hours taking care of our own important personal issues, maintaining a system of order in our lives. Once we have all of the topics of our own lives attended to, then we can take a little time to ponder politics and or any of the other things that might deserve a little attention. Or not...

Now and then, though, things pop up. so to speak that were unexpected, not in anyone's plan and certainly not in your own. Sometimes such things are benign, they have to be dealt with but soon they once again disappear into obscurity, where they seemingly came from. Sometimes though, these 'things' appear, leave you in shock and reeling and you don't have a clue as to how to deal with it or even how you may feel about it at the moment. The only thing you know at the moment you become aware of their existence is, this is serious. Damn serious.  In your personal queue of important things to deal with, this one suddenly and quickly moves to the front of the line. Life has a habit of being unpredictable and those unforeseen moments can be anything from memorable and precious to shockingly frightful and even horrible. Some, so it seems, tend to come into your life gradually, they may even seem innocuous at first. But as they develop, and the more you learn about it, the more the risk of danger makes itself known. For circumstantial reasons you cant know just how serious they may be until things progress. Tests have to be performed, there may even be a period of let's just wait and see how this thing develops. All you know in the beginning is it could just be 'nothing' or it could be a matter of life and death. 

Such has happened to me as it has many others before me and certainly for will many more in the future. Let me get to the point. I recently went for an annual physical with our family doctor. I have learned through the years from these visits about my high cholesterol, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. Untreated, any of these conditions can lead to serious and dire consequences. But as I learned about them they were treated with medication or therapy of some sort. Fortunately, I have not had any serious consequences from them. I am now 70 years old and have been blessed with relatively good health as a result of regular check ups and preventive measures. Until this year. My annual blood tests routine revealed an elevated PSA. If you haven't heard that acronym before it stands for prostate specific antigen. It's a protein in the blood released by the prostate gland. Often in those with cancer cells growing in the prostate glad, the level of this protein in the blood begins to increase. Mine did, so my doctor recommended that I see a urologist for further tests. I did, and the urologist found that since the original blood test with my family doctor and the blood test he had performed two months later the PSA level had increased even more. He told me I have three options. 1) I could choose to do nothing. If you know something isn't right and your health is potentially at risk, why would anyone choose to do nothing. I dont know, to each his own. 2) I could do an MRI, a non-invasive procedure that is helpful but not conclusive or 3) do a biopsy. The biopsy is conclusive as far as revealing the presence of cancer. For me, if there is the possibility that I have cancer, I want to know as soon as possible. So I can do whatever I need to do to treat it. And survive it. 

It is known that prostate cancer is one of the slowest-growing types of cancers. It is also known that cancer (including all types) is notorious for being unpredictable. My mother, father, brother, grandfather, all died from cancer. For some it took years for the evil disease to claim them, for my older brother it took only a month. So, not doing whatever I can as soon as I can, and taking unnecessary risks isn't really an option for me. At the moment I'm in that period of waiting. I've had the biopsy, now I wait to hear. It's not easy but then at the same time I dont want to worry about something that hasn't happened and maybe isn't going to happen. It's an unknown. An unknown with a potentially unhappy ending...

I'm Proud of Black Journalists...The Latest Scandal

 First, a little background. I have been following the 2024 election and the stories surrounding the candidates very closely. I'm up to date. I know what's going on. Or well, I thought I did. We've all heard of Candace Owens, a bright, astute young black lady with a conservative bent who's very much on top of things. By that I mean she can figure out what's true and what's not... And Da Real ADogg, also a bright young black man who can think for himself. Has his own YouTube channel and discusses politics. Pretty impressive young fellow. I pretty much by accident stumbled upon his channel tonight and listened in. He was discussing an emerging scandal involving Kamala. 

Recently, Janet Jackson made a statement along the lines of 'I heard Kamala Harris wasn't really black.' Her publicist (or someone in her inner circle) issued a public statement that Janet meant to offend no one and is for peace and harmony blah, blah, blah. Then she promptly fired the publicist. Many of the well-known leftist mouths (CNN, MSNBC, Whoopie...) demanded an apology. She said I'm not apologizing for anything. Kamala recently said in public that she was of Indian heritage, now she is claiming to be black. I dont know what she is...

Candace, as she has been known to do, began researching the issue. She found, and showed on her YouTube channel copies of birth certificates. marriage certificates, photos, etc.. Some of the pictures she found showed Kamala with her paternal grandmother and grandfather. Let me start over; her 'alleged' paternal grandmother and grandfather. One of these photos in particular Kamala included in her recent autobiography The Truths We Hold. The photo is captioned as Kamala standing next to her grandmother Beril. Pretty common, most of us have photos of us with our grandmothers. However, Candace discovered from an official document that Harris' paternal grandmother passed in 1960, four years before Kamala Harris was born. So, that begs the question, who is this person standing next to Kamala Harris, if it's not her grandmother? We can speculate, but what we do know to be true is it is not her grandmother. And another question is why would she lie about this? And I guess while we're at it, if she would lie about this what else has she lied about?

There's no need to remind you that this person is running for President of the United States. We, the People have a fundamental right to expect and demand integrity from this person. Why would anyone, let alone this candidate need to lie about who their real grandparents are? And why haven't we heard about this anomaly in the news? Of course MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, they're not going to mention it because it would create some foul-smelling questions that would need to be answered. Fat chance of that happening. But it was discovered and raised some by young, sagacious journalists who can think for themselves and aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe. Bravo Candace and Dogg. Bravo! 

If this doesn't convince you, then nothing will...

 Today, October 17, a little more than a year since Hamas invaded Israel with an army of terrorists as a barrage of rockets rained on Israeli territory, to massacre innocents, including children, to rape women, and burn homes to the ground, Yahya Sinwar has been killed. He was (please notice the past tense...) the 'mastermind' of the October 7 attacks. By the end of that infamous day, 1200 were dead and 251 were dragged into Gaza and held hostage. After a year of fighting, Sinwar has refused to surrender and release the hostages. Even as his own people suffered, he was determined to somehow turn world opinion against Israel. Arguably, and sadly, he had some success. 

Sinwar had previously been held in an Israeli prison where he suffered brain cancer. He miraculously survived owing to the treatment of Israeli doctors. In 2011, he was one of 1,000 prisoners released as part of a deal to secure the release of an abducted Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Once released he rose through the Hamas organization and became the defacto leader in Gaza. 

The killing of Sinwar is monumentally important. It not only caused an operational blow to Hamas but gives a new perspective on the war, notably for Israel. Sinwar's death follows a series of successes for Israel, the killing of Hama's political leader Ismail Haniyeh, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, and a plethora of other high ranking leaders of both terrorist groups. Israel has dealt a powerful blow to the proxies of Iran as it contemplates retaliation against Iran itself. And as it should. Our executive leaders sure don't have the balls to do it, in fact, we funded their irreverent, profane deeds...

This news also serves to shine some convincingly dark light on the judgment of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. For months this dynamic duo warned Israel against an invasion of Rafah, where Sinwar was killed. Biden made the statement that going into Rafah was a "red line" for him. Harris warned that there would be "consequences" because she "studied the maps." The fact that Sinwar was killed in Rafa vindicates the insistence of Israel that Rafah was where they would find Hamas' leadership. They found him there, and they killed him. 

Let us not overlook the courage of Bibi to do what he knew was the right thing to defend his country. In spite of the leaders of the United States telling him, "Do not do this." As the great Winston Churchill once said, "If you find yourself in hell, keep going." Bibi sure as hell kept going, inspite of being told to stop... 

Many, but not all of the Israeli hostages that were taken are still alive and captive in Gaza. Israel is still being pressured to stop the war. Can you imagine another country telling the United States after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, do not bomb Japan. Just calm down. Pretty preposterous notion, isn't it? Then why in the sam hell did our leaders tell Israel just that? 

God Bless you Mr. Netanyahu. Keep going. 

Obama lectures the brothers...

 I suppose that most election campaigns are pretty much like this one as goes the shenanigans and lying. It's just a part of the game, though that seems a sorry excuse for such behavior. These are the people who are clamoring for leadership positions, some very powerful positions, yet they can somehow reconcile with themselves that behaving like the miscreants they are so adept at locking up is acceptable. Some, a lot, of that behavior is in plain sight for all to see but believe me there is so very much that goes on that remains well-hidden... And trust me when I say, neither side is innocent. Politics is a vicious, bloody game and the higher the stakes the more vicious it becomes. And in this campaign the stakes are at an apex. So many news articles from all sources try to expound on the details of dirty deeds that the other side has done. They are endless. As if with each revelation we're going to be shocked. The newspeople (I refuse to call them 'journalists') have become very clever at using forceful and expressive words such as "bombshell." Somehow trying to imply 'you're not going to believe this...'. 

The problem is we DO believe it. It's become nigh impossible to shock the voters with their bad behavior. Not only are we rarely surprised we've come to expect it. This is a good, no, make that great example of 'it is what it is...' It's reality, it's happened before and it's will continue to happen. I'm mainly talking about the players in the game, the candidates. But the candidates aren't the only ones playing dirty pool. In fact there are countless background players, most of whom remain invisible. But not all. In politics endorsements are big. They're important and they often make a difference. The higher the profile of the endorser the more impact the endorsement carries. I know not why but for Democrats the endorsement of Barack Obama seems to be highly coveted. I know, he's a former president but being a former president doesn't necessarily mean you were a good president. All it means is you are a former president. Obama is on the campaign trail stumping for Kamala. 

At a recent rally for Harris in Pittsburgh, Obama spoke to a group of black Harris supporters. His speech turned into a blatant lecture to black men about their failure to support her. At the beginning of his speech he claimed the he was here to "speak some truths." That word 'truths' is now in the  same category into which Bill Clinton famously placed the word 'is.' I'm sure you recall the trope "It depends on what your definition of is, is... ." 'Truths' is so loosely used now that it would impossible to document all of its new definitions. Anyway, Barry was going to let loose with some truths. "I have received reports that we have not seen the same kind of energy and enthusiasm that we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers. When you have a choice that is this clear, when you have someone who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences, who's able to put forth concrete proposals to correctly address the things that are vital in our neighborhoods and communities, from housing to making sure that our mothers and fathers and grandparents can afford medicine, and making sure that we are dealing with prices that are too high, and rents that are too high, and is committed to making sure we maintain the Affordable Care Act so everybody's got healthcare, and cares about things like education and entrepreneurship in our neighborhood. (OK, now from one run-on sentence to the next...)

"And on the other hand you have someone who has consistently shown disregard not just for communities but for you as a person. And you're thinking about sitting it out? And you're coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses? I've got a problem with that. Because it makes me think that you're not "feeling" the idea of having a woman as president."

His rant goes on but I'm going to stop there. So, according to you Barry, we have someone who we grew up with, went to college with, and who knows us? Seriously? So, she's the big sister none of us knew about? And undoubtedly she's going to take care of all those horrible issues plaguing us and make them go away. Just like she's been doing the past 3 plus years? Oh, and thank God she's going to maintain the ACA so our grandmas and grandpas will have good quality affordable healthcare. Barry, do me one favor. Just one. Call up a person, just one person who has had to rely on insurance they got in the 'marketplace' and ask them how's that working for you? 

And then on the other hand you've got this jerk that has done nothing good for no one, ever. Really? I just read an article revealing that he sent shipments of food, water and fuel to Hurricane victims in Georgia. At his own expense. What has this girl we went to college with done, never mind paying for it out of her own pocket...

OK, now you get the picture, now my commentary. If I were a black man I would be insulted and PO'd. How dare you talk down to us like that. We didn't grow up with her, we didn't go to college with her and she hasn't talked about (at least not in any language we could understand) any concrete proposals for fixing anything. She hasn't even done a single, solitary press conference. And you have a problem with us? Guess what, there's millions of us out here that have a problem with you and her. You think we're not feeling the idea of having a woman as president? The fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with it, stupid. She's incompetent, non-communicative, dense, vapid... 

Barry, a little advice, stop talking down to people that are smarter than you are. They are the ones out here dealing with high prices, high rents, immigration, etc. You're not. Black men are perfectly capable of figuring it out for themselves and making decisions for themselves. I mean, after all, they went to college with Kackala. 

Madman at the Ports...

Recently, the International Longshoreman's Association (ILA) launched a strike in east coast ports from Maine to Texas. As is the typical M.O. for labor union strikes, higher wages and expanded benefits are the goal. The origin of labor unions is found in the past abuses of labor by management. Unions were created to increase bargaining power of workers with management. For perhaps nigh a century they played a pivotal and beneficial role in the advocacy of fair wages and benefits for workers. In recent decades labor unions have been besieged by corruption and the influence of organized crime. Have they outlived their purpose? Perhaps...

APM terminals at the Port of Mobile use semiautomated gates to process trucks, precluding the need for union labor. The resulting outrage from the loss of jobs resulting from this automated task is one of the reasons for the strike. It's worth mentioning that this automated gate has been in operation for years. As of today, the strike is off with a tentative deal on wages and benefits. However, the issue of automation at the ports is unresolved until the cooling off period expires January 15, 2025. 

The president of the local union in Mobile claimed, "Machines don't pay taxes." Neither do laptop computers and cellphones but it would be hard to imagine doing business in any industry without them. The productivity that both have brought is enormous. The savings resulting from the technology is inestimable. Harold Daggett has waged war on automation at the ports. This is somewhat akin to a caveman at seeing the prototype of a wheel and proclaiming "Wheel, huh, that's the stupidest thing I have ever seen..." Technology is an integral part of modern life and culture. Deal with it Harold.

A little history on Harold Daggett, and his progeny. Harold is the president of the union and makes nearly a million dollars a year. He lives in a mansion in New Jersey. He drives a Bentley and owns a 76 foot yacht. His son Dennis has been an ILA official since 2005. As of 2024 the younger Daggett was executive vice president of the ILA and head of the New Jersey local once led by his father. It's not clear whether there is any technology to be found in Harold's home, such as a washing machine, microwave oven, or dishwasher. Harold doesn't seem to understand that advances in and the adoption of technology is directly tied increased productivity and economic growth. To ban the benefits of automation technology at our ports means that whatever the level of productivity we have at our ports now, that's all we're ever going to get. Oh, and by the way, the wages for the un-automated manual labor doing the work unloading the ships needs to go way up. Your current 50% offer, that's not enough. Tripling the employer contribution to benefits, that's not enough. 

In the past  Daggett was accused of being an associate of the Genovese crime family. In 2005 George Barone, a former Genovese crime enforcer who turned states evidence testified that Daggett was controlled by the Mafia. In his own testimony Daggett depicted himself as a victim of the Mafia and said that Barone had threatened to kill him in 1980. Daggett and two codefendants in the trial were found not liable on civil RICO charges of extortion conspiracy and fraud. One of the codefendants, Lawrence Ricci disappeared during the trial; his body was found weeks later in a New Jersey diner in a decomposed state with multiple gunshot woulds. The murder remains unsolved. 

Interestingly, Daggett is a critic of the Biden administration. He recently threatened to "cripple the American economy" before the election via an ILA strike in ports on the Atlantic seaboard and Gulf coast. The ILA demanded a pay raise and a freeze to automation to East Coast and Gulf Coast ports. Longshoremen currently earn a starting wage of $39/hour (the average American hourly wage is $28.34) Under Daggett's proposed contract the wage would move to $69/hour with a 60% increase over 6 years. The ILA subsequently demanded a 77% increase over a 6 year contract. In a union produced video posted to the ILA's YouTube channel, Daggett said "I will cripple you, and you have no idea what that means. Nobody does." He goes on to expound on the details, including commodities and materials not being delivered leading to people losing their jobs, shopping malls closing,  etc... I deserve more money. Everybody's hating my guys now because they realize how important our jobs are." 

OK, we get it Harold. You and your 54,000 longshoremen are the ones who allow us the benefit of imported goods. You have the say-so. And if we want to continue receiving them we will have to pay you and your thugs more than most of us make to get them. I dont know but this kind of sounds like extortion to me. You know, walks like, sounds like, looks like a duck... And this happening 30 days before an election?.. This is starting to smell like that New Jersey diner with the body of a state's witness decomposing in it. 

Protest, being indignant, or being stupid?...

  Last night President Trump addressed the nation in a speech. Several minutes into it, his speech was interrupted by a congressman from Tex...