The 2024 Democratic Convention

 Last night was the second night of the DNC. The Obama's spoke, both Michelle and Barry. Both of them spent a considerable amount of their allotted time berating and trashing Donald Trump. I suppose this is an indication that they feel this is time well spent that will further convince their followers and the fence-sitters that voting for Trump will lead to catastrophic consequences and result in the destruction of our democracy. And of course there were the obligatory accolades for the candidate, Kakala. Since these are 'supporters' I suppose it's ok to give them a pass on talking about substantive issues, after all, they're just supporters. But when it comes to real issues, such as the economy, inflation, the border, foreign affairs, Kakala and Timmy Walz dont get any passes. Up to this point there has been no mention or discussion of these topics. And let's not overlook the fact that Kakala hasn't held a press conference since Biden stepped aside and she was announced as the 'default' candidate'. I say default because she's the first presidential candidate in history to be named as the candidate without having been voted as such by a single delegate. The party just placed her name in the blank. 

But back to the Convention. From the speakers so far, all that has been talked about is Trump sucks, Kakala is great and we're excited. We know prices are high and some Americans are struggling, but as soon as Kakala is elected she will put price controls in place and fix that problem. That's it... No talk of the issues that are at the front of the minds of American citizens. There are serious conflicts taking place in the world that alter geopolitics for decades to come. No talk of policies regarding those conflicts. 

There's a problem that has been around since probably, well, for a very long time. There are a large block of voters that vote based on, let's call it vagaries, for lack of a better term. Most people, a lot of people, when they face making a major decision whether it be buying a refrigerator, a car, joining a club, anything that costs a lot of money or has the potential for affecting their lives will spend some time researching it. Get some information, some facts and base your decision on what you learn. An election should be no different. Heaven knows they have enormous potential for changing lives. But for some unknown phenomenal reason they don't do this. They base their decision on something else. Charm, charisma, gut-feel, curb-appeal, pity, physical attributes, who knows what... The sad thing is they dont gather facts and objective information as a basis of their decision. They vote along the lines of their emotions. Maybe they feel like, wow, I could be their friend. I like them. Their perspective of a good candidate is based on all the wrong things. 

Kakala is out of town campaigning. We're assuming she'll be back in town for the remainder of the convention. Republican or Democrat, we want to hear, what are your policies, what are you going to do, how are you going to fix problems... Get to the point...


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