It's out in plain sight for everyone to see...

 Todays political landscape is interesting, and compelling. It's a real task to understand just how it all came to be, but politics is like that. But at the core of it all are a few key issues. First, I believe would be the fact that the nation has become so divided. I dont think calling it Democrats against Conservatives is the right way to characterize it, though that's a start. It's more a clash of perspectives and ideologies. Conservatives and liberals is more accurate. What's noteworthy is that there have always been liberals and conservatives. Since probably sometime in the 1800's. Differing ideologies. And that's not a problem. Until recently. Seems now it's a problem. And the reason it's a problem is there's no middle ground, no compromising, no tolerance for a perspective that differs from one's own. A different perspective is now somehow 'wrong'. What happened to understanding, compromise and tolerance? What happened to patriotism? I guess there are different opinions on just exactly what patriotism is now, as if the meaning of it should ever change... Just as there are differing opinions on exactly what is right and wrong now. With no tolerance for other opinions. And second, this lack of tolerance is carried to extremes. To violence and hateful speech and behavior. Decadence, is what it is, a constant state of extenuation. The state of the nation is a state of decadence. There is no sense of unity or direction. We no longer deal with the problems of the nation as a nation. The right and the left insist on dealing with it their way. What was once a great, solid, unified nation (One Nation, Under God) is no more. The glory days of being strong under the leadership of great leaders eludes us. We simply dont have any at present. The Lincolns, the Roosevelts, the Kennedys, the Reagans, would be disappointed. They did their job when it was their time and they did it well. They were able to bring the country together. 

So, let's get back to the point. Is the recent leadership of the country doing things that are 'wrong'? We shouldn't look at it as right and wrong. It's an issue of what's best for the country and Americans. That characterization certainly opens up a fresh can of worms though. I've no doubt that every president from Dwight Eisenhower forward has believed they were doing what was best for the country. So, how do we know whether they actually were or not? One must look at some key, critical areas; the economy, inflation, jobs, immigration, global geopolitics (wars)... There are of course, more but these are the ones that win and lose elections and affect a lot of people's lives. Let's keep the discussion focused and look at the last eight years. How were the actions and events concerning these topics affecting Americans during the administration's of Trump and Biden? The answers are literally out in plain sight for everyome to see. Granted, it takes effort as the mainstream media that we could once depend on to bring us unbiased information doesn't exist any longer. We must now be able to filter the facts from the crap and lies. But it's all out there in plain sight for everyone to see. However, humans are very adept at seeing what they want to see. At hearing what they want to hear. At believing what they want to believe. Even if they are suffering for it. It's all very complex yet it's all very simple. Are you paying more for food, gas and essentials than before? Are you unemployed? Is government telling you that you must drive an electric car now? The you cant have an abortion, even if you were raped by an illegal immigrant? Yet in the past none of those issues were issues. 

Like I said, the reasons for such things are all out in the open for all to see...


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