Can you believe this?

I have to admit it. The pundits and pollsters missed it, and so did I. He won. He actually won. I didn't realize it until the next day that Hillary actually won the  popular vote but it doesn't matter. Trump won and is in the drivers seat.

Now, a little sidebar. I just read an article that some professor (I know, when it comes to political mouths, 'professor' is like a used car salesman. It's just an opinion and we all know opinions are like rectums, everyone has one and they all stink.) Anyway, this guy who predicted a Trump win now says he will be impeached.  Bravo Bitch! You're a genius! You know, when it comes to prognosticating, we can all do it. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes you don't. Now if Trump actually does get impeached this guy will be labeled a genius. I'm sorry folks, he ain't no genius. Trump has a lot of business interests. Running into a conflict of interest, well, it would be hard  NOT to. Making a brash decision that could put national security at risk, well, based on what we have seen, you have to say yeah, that could happen. Is impeachment a possibility? Does a bear have a hairy ass? Standing right behind him is Mike Pence. A red, white and blue conservative who has no record of upsetting the establishment. If there is a genius in all of this it has to be Mike Pence.
I think it's pretty much a given that Trump could be impeached and Mike Pence could take over.
Then we could be back to sort of, business as usual, sort of, you know? Damn Democrats. Damn Republicans. You know, the stuff we're used to. I would put the odds of that happening at 50% or better, really.

I truly believe in my heart that Americans like strong, decisive, consistent leadership. Someone with a clear mind that can make decisions and make sense. Is that Trump? As Ronald Reagan would say, "Weeelll," maybe, maybe not."

 We need to give him the benefit of the doubt and a chance to prove himself. You never know, he might just surprise us. We'll see.

This election was an anomaly. A 'one off' kind of situation. At least let's hope so. I certainly hope we don't face something like this again. At least not during my lifetime. I like it when the nomination process produces some smart people that don't go around pissing off credible groups of people. Except for Muslim terrorists. Screw them, doesn't matter if we piss them off. If I were Rosie O'Donnell and I were famous, I could do it more often! But this time, it was different. It didn't produce anyone smart and certainly anyone who didn't routinely piss off somebody. If Trump gets impeached and Pence take over, who is going to say "Aww shit?"  No one. Let's face it, no one.

Now, if that happens, please, don't email me and call me a genius. It could just as easily turn out that Trump could line 'em up and knock 'em down. He could get it all right. You bet it could. And I hope that's the way it happens. We shall see.

I'm still happy we don't have to go through four years of Hillary. And I am enormously happy we are done with Barry. Good riddance. I think he sucked. Best of luck to us all...

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