OK, that's it. I mean really, that's it.

Last night we watched the second presidential debate. It is still hard for me to bring myself to believe that those two asshats are running for the office of the president of the United States of  America. Really hard. What's even harder to believe is that one of them is actually going to win and assume the  office. Which means making decisions that will affect our lives. At one point it got so ridiculous and absurd Kelly said this is like watching Saturday night Live. And it was. Sad. So very sad.
Politic analysis is not my thing, it's not even one of my aspirations. I have just become so concerned with this pathetic situation that I have started writing about  it, and well... I'm still plenty concerned about it, I don't want  to live my last years in a great country that is on it's way to being a socialist beta test.
So, enough is enough. I'm no Charles Krauthammer, if you want the best perspective on politics that a great mind can offer read his columns. Me, I'm sticking with other, more important life issues. Like writing great stories. I've got a novel to finish and that's where my mind needs to be. Not on the freak show these two clowns are putting on.
I hate that it is taking this long to write this book. It's terrible. My only excuse is life happened and I got distracted. But it's time to get back to business and get 'er done. I'll be heading up to Buffalo Valley next week. Actually being where most of the story is set should help matters. It'll help me clear out my head if nothing else. And getting back to what I do best. And stop being so distracted...

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