I'm voting alright. But not for who you think.

Aren't you glad this crap is about over? I sure am. That's sad to feel that way about a presidential election, but that's the way I feel. It's not only sad, it's foreboding. I don't see anything good for us or the country coming out of this election, and it matters not who wins. If you've been reading my past posts on my blog, you'll have noticed that I have not made any statements or implications that I favored one candidate over the other. I think of myself as a conservative, not a Republican, I don't associate with any party ideals. I have conservative values and that's it. Admittedly, it's the Republican candidate in past elections that most closely align with conservative values so that's who I've voted for.
But this election is different. My conservative values have had to take a back seat. There are much more important things to consider. Like some of the bad shit that will happen if either of these shitheads take office. But first, let me make one important point. Not that anything that concerns me is all that important, but humor me for just a minute. Right now, at this moment in time, I am not planning to cast a ballot for either Trump or Clinton. And yes, I am going to vote. Why, you ask? I thought you'd never ask...
Let's start with Trump. One of the topics in the debate last night was fitness for the presidency. Based on the responses, and everything I've heard either of them say or do, ever, in my opinion, no. When asked what made him fit to be president Trump answered "I started a phenomenal company, a great company that has made billions of dollars", blah, blah, blah... But being president is being the nation's top diplomat. We have to get along with the rest of the world and at times settle disputes when other countries have differences. When WE have differences with other countries and hopefully do it peacefully. It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that that would require someone with patience, tolerance and compassion. Someone with a sound mien and respected character. Someone who is respectful of others. Someone with a solid, unmovable vision of the right thing to do. Does that sound like Donald Trump? Stop laughing, I'm not done yet. By all appearances Donald Trump is a solipsistic prick. He likes things his way and when they don't go his way he becomes bullish. Can you imagine being a businessman and doing business with him? I can't.
Now let's take a look at Hillary Clinton. Do the qualities I listed above sound like Hillary's qualities? Ask the 46 people who have had some sort of conflict of interest or may have gotten in the way of the Clinton's interests who are now dead. Dead under dubious circumstances. Don't take my word for this, Google it and read for yourself. No, I'm sorry, 46 is not a long string of coincidences. That even goes way beyond Murphy's Law. Ask the parents and loved ones of the four who were killed by terrorists at the embassy compound in Benghazi. And lied to about it. Ask Mary Mahoney's family about it. She was a lesbian intern when Bill was president who the other interns often turned to regarding Bill's disproportionate interest in interns. She was murdered at a local Starbucks where she worked as a night manager. Her and  two other employees were shot in the head, one's body was riddled with bullets. Guess which one. The restaurant was not robbed. This happened just a couple of days after the Lewinsky scandal broke and news of other Clinton dalliances. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not... She would have been a star witness in the impeachment trials.
If you really want to know what kind of person she is ask  the Secret Service and White House staff assigned to the Clintons. It's public information, it's been published.
My biggest hang up with Clinton? She's disingenuous to the point of being a pathological liar. Lying does not bother this woman in the least. About anything... How can we in good conscience, elect someone who cannot, will not tell the truth when it serves her interest not to.
No, I will not vote  for either on November 8th. Not  gonna happen. For the next  four years when everything is going to hell in a handbasket, I'll be able to at least say I didn't vote for either idiot.
So I know you're thinking, if he doesn't vote for Trump or Clinton that only leaves two other candidates.  No name candidates that we know little to nothing about. One of them might make a good president, who knows. If you consider yourself an informed voter you don't vote for someone and hope for the best. At the least, you need a good reason to believe that they will be a good, competent president.
Competent president. How long has it been since we had one of  those? Like most of my friends I consider myself an informed voter and a reasonably intelligent person. Someone who can sift through the muddy river of information that is the internet and figure out what's crap and what's not. This time, in this election, what we learn about the candidates is not good. It's discouraging and disheartening. But it's what we've got.

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