As you go about your business in the course of a normal day, if you're like me you stop at least a couple of times to check on what's going on in the world. And of course, at the present, it's hard not to hear something about the upcoming election. I mean U.S. politics is the topic right now and it will be until November 8th. So you hear about the candidates, their scandals, gaffes, improprieties, ideas, strategies, polls, and the insults they hurl at one another. Front and center of what is being rammed down our throats is Hillary and Don. On and on. Incessantly. Then you'll get something about Ted Cruz or some other senator running to keep his seat since he couldn't hang with the Donald and has nothing better to do. Politicians. On and on and on... Oh, Donald Trump isn't a politician you say? Well he is now.
That's all we hear, all about the politicians, their trials and tribulations and their lives. We hear about Anthony Weiner and the sick, perverted things he does. And cant seem to stop doing. It's all about them. Why? Because the media wants it to be about them. The U.S. media has a liberal slant and they also have a sordid perversion of publicizing politicians character flaws (the ones they don't like i.e. conservatives). When I say character flaws I mean the all-inclusive version. The media hangs out all their dirty laundry daily and lets it fly in our faces. And we consume it voraciously. Oh yeah, we the people have our own character flaws but we'll go into that another time.
How much discussion is there of what these people are doing on the floor in the House and Senate. And how what they are doing will affect us. There's a fair amount of talk about how the things Obama is doing will affect us and future generations but that's mostly because it's so profoundly negative. How about some talk concerning topics of real substance? Some, dare I say most of us, don't want to hear about these peoples contemptible behavior. We have perfectly good tabloids that lay out the dirt on celebrities for that. These people, politicians, are supposed to be working for us. For our country. Their job is supposed to be bigger than they are. Trump has always had a tough time with that. So has Hillary for that matter. We elect them to do very important jobs. It's the JOB that matters. WE don't give a crap about them. It's not about them. Try telling them that...
If you're looking for some insight into relating what goes on in American politics to how it affects our lives you've come to the right place. I like to look at what goes on through the lenses of common sense. We have a two party system and over time each party has big successes and big failures. Each has significant accomplishments and ridiculous blunders. I try to give credit where credit is due.
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