Lies, lies and more lies...

"In times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."  George Orwell
Kind of sounds like he really was accurately prescient, doesn't it? Was he thinking about 2016 when he said that? Was he thinking about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? Lord knows the two of them have done enough lying to last us all for a few generations. No need to recite the instances each has lied, I don't type posts that long and besides if you don't know of most of them then you just aren't paying attention. I will say this though, there have been numerous, yes numerous people that have 'showed up dead'  in direct relation to Clinton's habit of lying. Thank goodness most of us aren't close to her but if you are and she starts lying I'd run like hell. How do you know for sure when she's lying, if her mouth is open and her lips are flapping, then she's lying. (I know, you saw that one coming...)
Seriously, if your habit of lying is costing people's lives, you might want to stop lying. That is, if you care. Obviously Clinton doesn't care. Trump lies too, though his lies so far haven't proved to be lethal to anyone. At least not yet... What is the difference between lying and embellishment? That's nitpicking. Like back in 1997 when Bill Clinton was asked if he was having a relationship with Monica Lewinsky and responded "that depends on the definition of 'is'". And he dished out this barge full of bullshit to a congressional subcommittee. The boy either has large cajones, he's dumber than shit or he thinks everybody else is dumber than shit.
It really matters not what party you may associate yourself with. Forget about political parties for a moment. Just think about behavior, what a person actually did or said. Be it Bill, Hillary or The Donald. Was Bill telling the truth when asked about his relationship with Monica? No. Was Hillary telling the truth when asked about the reason the Embassy compound was attacked on 9-11? No. Was Donald telling the truth when he said the FBI just found 15,000 MORE emails of Hillary's this week? No.  Were they aware that they were lying at the time? Yes, but that doesn't matter. Pleading ignorant wont get you off the hook with your mother or a traffic ticket. So it sure as fuck doesn't count when you are in or close to the office of the presidency.
Sounds like it's high time for a revolution, huh George?....

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