Who's on first...

Donald Trump won the Indiana primary last night claiming all 67 delegates, soundly defeating Ted Cruz. Cruz also announced he was ‘suspending’ his campaign. I don’t understand what is going on with the Republican party or the voters in this country. The Republican party has been split, polarized, in disagreement, fractioned, conflicting, lacking unity, and generally a mess for some time now. We have moderate conservatives, Tea Party conservatives, the hard right and they all have stood apart from the others all too often unable to agree on anything. Then, along comes Donald Trump and hijacks their mess and puts his name on the ticket and runs away with the nomination. This is even more bizarre than when Barry Obama came along in 2008 and hijacked the Democratic primaries and the American voters. And the American voters bought his line of shit just like they are buying Trump’s now.
We keep hearing the term ‘low-information voter’ and many wonder if that’s just a sarcastic euphemism. It’s not. There’s plenty of information out there for voters to be informed, all anyone could need to be informed is out there. But unfortunately, and sadly most either ignore it or just aren’t capable of absorbing it and processing it into an intelligent choice. They vote based on ridiculous premises such as appearance, charisma, charm, and promises made during campaign speeches. I did say ridiculous, didn’t I? For those of us who do wade through the crap, filter it, process it and think about what’s left (one need not be exceptionally gifted to do this…) it’s frustrating to know that the majority, which rules here (I’m not sure anymore if that's fortunate or unfortunate) does not wade through it. They listen to a reality TV host who happens to be arrogant and self-absorbed say he’s going to build a wall on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it. And they believe him. The chances of this happening? Zero, zip, zilch, nada. American politics and government has become a sham and a monumental embarrassment. We have politicians who can appeal to the middle class but we have none who can appeal to them and who are also a competent, qualified leader.
And so it appears we are in for at least another four years, maybe more of having an idiot for a president. Idiot in terms of being able to do the job he was chosen to do. AND IT’S OUR OWN FAULT. That is, if we group ourselves together and take responsibility for what we have done as one people of this great nation. And not behave like the Republican party has…

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