Have you ever noticed that nothing ever stays the same?...

I opened the news this morning and read an article about Facebook. Seems they have been conducting some sort of experiment on people, psychological experiment no less, without their knowledge. Something about if your friends post a happy message then it'll make you happy. I know, pretty deep shit, right? PhD's go around doing that kinda stuff all the time. And they often get government money for doing it. Once word got out about what they were doing there was an uproar. People were mad as hell. Experimenting on us without our knowledge, how could you? That's as bad as the time y'all hid the aliens from us in New Mexico. The nerve. Now, let me get on FB and see how BobbySue's getting along.
Social Media. Can you believe that there are 1.3 billion people using Facebook? And even when Facebook pisses them off they bitch a little then keep coming back. Hundreds of millions are on it every day. For what? To find out what someone you havent seen or talked to in thirty years is up to? Who cares. And the endless stream of all these philosophical aphorisms. Shit, enough already.
But it seems that's how the masses spend their time these days. In fact there are lots of things people spend their time doing that could be better spent on something more productive. But for some reason I don't think being productive is something anyone who gets on Facebook has in mind...

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