I haven't posted anything for awhile, truth is I've been overwhelmed. Life has a habit of doing that every now and then. It gives me a break sometimes, thank goodness, but as the old saying goes, "When it rains, it pours." I just haven't been able to get my mind in the right frame for writing for some time now. My sweet little angel granddaughter has been the only thing I can think about. She finishes her proton therapy treatment this week, for that we are all excited and so glad. We are hoping and praying that this six week treatment she has been through will get the job done, but time will tell. It's been exhausting, for her certainly and for us. But when one of us goes through something like this, we all go through it. May God bless our little Kaitlin and take good care of her.
In the mean time I must find the time and the frame of mind to do some writing. I have found that writing is difficult when you try to do it in intermittent one hour blocks. It takes a little time just to unwind yourself and get your head right. It's sort of like going into a trance. You have to get into the setting and the characters, your mind becomes their mind while you are writing the story. You, personally are living the story while you are writing it. You can't just pop in and pop out. At least I can't. However, when I wrote the El Morro Connection I wrote in two hour blocks. That seemed to work. I would get up at four each morning and write until six or six-thirty then shower and dress and go to work. And in about a year I had a pretty good novel ironed out. The BVP has been a work in progress for a little over three years now and I'm still not finished. This is different though in that this novel has a historical basis and there is copious research to do as I develop the story. It has still dragged on for much longer than it should have. I'll be honest too. There have been a couple of times, at least, that I have entertained a thought or two about abandoning the project. Giving it up and starting another. This whole historical thriller or historical anything I don't think is my bailiwick. But in spite of it all I like this story and I especially like who and what this story is about. I like what it stands for. These were great Americans. In spite of the way they were treated (abused...) they persevered and built an important part of American life and history. And I like writing about it. And I'm pretty sure you're going to like reading about it.

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