The battle continues...

We thought we had made it through the worst of it. Kaitlin had brain surgery that was successful by any standards. The recovery seemed to go remarkably well. A few weeks later, on the day radiation treatment was to begin, she became ill and had to be hospitalized. A simple blood test revealed something that made my blood boil. MRSA. A bacterial blood infection. A hospital-borne pathogen. Dirty surgical instruments to put it bluntly. I lived through the same hell myself about six months ago.  These little talked about things can kill you, and for some unlucky souls, they actually do. The maddening factor about these things is they are so easily preventable. Just follow the proper protocol in sterilization of the surgical instruments. Some lazy fucking hospital worker who is tired or just doesn't give a shit doesn't do their job and a poor helpless and very sick child who has cancer gets a serious infection. Whoever that person may be that is responsible for that, keep their identity away from me. Not that their worthless ass should be spared, it shouldn't.
But she is recovering from the malady. In spite of the pain that the scourge of the world inflicts on her, she is getting better. She'll recover from this and go back to fighting the cancer that no child should ever have to face. But this is a physical world that we mortals live in and this is an unfortunate part of that physical world. Thank God we have some really smart people who have chosen some very altruistic occupations. They do some wonderful things and we should never take them for granted. Add to that faith and the power of prayer and you have something more powerful than the destructive force of cancer.
She will win. Kaitlin will win. She is a precious little girl and hers is a precious life. All of us are so lucky and blessed to have her in ours. If grandparents could choose a beautiful, angelic, sweet and loving child as a granddaughter, it would be her.

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