Last Friday in the Oval Office, there was a televised meeting with Trump, Vance and Zelenskyy with the obvious presumption that there was going to be a 'deal' made. Trump prides himself on making deals. Thinks he's the best dealmaker in the history of the world. If you don't believe him, just ask him. This was purported to be a deal that would end the Ukraine-Russia war. In exchange for rights to rare-earth minerals in Ukraine, the US would get an agreement from Russia to end the war of aggression. The Ukrainian borders would not revert to pre-2022. The white elephant in the room, though it wasn't white at all from Zelenskyy's perspective, was security guarantees from the US. On this, Zelenskyy was insistent, his rationale being that Putin cant be trusted to honor a truce. The whole world knows this, why dont you Mr. President? JD Vance kept harping on how ungrateful Zelenskyy was, "You should be thanking the president." He actually has, JD. Many times. Sit down and shutup.
The president then admonishes Zelenskyy by stating "You're messing with World War III." If what he was suggesting was that by obtaining security guarantees from the US and were Russia to renege on any truce and continue the invasion forcing the US to engage, then yes, World War III would be a definite possibility. Two nuclear superpowers, face to face. Do we really have that much skin in the game at this point? No. Should we? No. Who should? Europe. Continued aggression would bring Russia to another countrys' doorstep. Should the world assume that once Ukraine was part of Russia's domain they would be content to call it a day? Sure. And if you believe that I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona for you.
So, who was out of line in the Oval Office on Friday? Trump was. By having some conversations with Putin and believing that they had some sort of 'bond' and believing that Putin would honor his word, Trump is entering the same Lala-land that Biden is hosting. Trump has a bevy of really smart people advising him, has the cat got their tongues? Shooting the shit with Putin and actually believing he will honor critically important obligations is akin to believing Kamala Harris would have been a great president. What evidence is there to support this? None. Not one iota, shred, speck, nothing. Go back as far as you wish, there is nothing. Russia is aligned with such rogues as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, China, North Korea, Hamas, the world's premier bad actors. I really want to believe that Trump knows this and is simply 'playing along'. You know, keeping his cards close to his chest. If that's not the case, we're in big trouble.
#trump. #jdvance #putin #ovalofficefiasco #worldwarIII #diplomacy
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