Drag Queens........Really?........

Watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games this year was, well, spectacular. It's always spectacular because, after all it's the Olympic Games. This is a tradition of humanity that dates back to ancient times. How many rituals of modern life date back thousands of years? It's a time-honored and revered tradition. The opening ceremonies are pomp and circumstance but they are legitimate. An event esteemed by the entire world deserves pomp and circumstance. But this year, let us say that the ceremonial train got off the rails. That is, with the inclusion of the drag queens. These days we have to be inclusive, right. Let's not leave out any group deserving of being recognized. Diversity, equity and inclusion are the cornerstones of modern civilization, right? As Barry Obama so aptly said, "Everyone deserves their piece of the pie." Let's think about that for a second. There are basically two groups of thought on this. There are those that believe everyone must earn their way. You get out of it what you put into it. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Work hard and prosper. The other group believes we must be a society of compassionate and caring people. Provide for those who are the 'have-nots'. Give everyone a piece of the pie regardless. I know what you're thinking, that's a description of conservatives and liberals, right? It wasn't meant to be such but yeah, I suppose it is. We started this conversation talking about why the Olympic ceremonies included drag queens didn't we? Has modern society evolved (or devolved...) to the point that we now include men who adroitly dress as harlots and tarts in official ceremonies? Are these legitimate members of society or simply hirsute female imposters? Most would typically think of participants of ceremony in a global event of unity to be respected members of society. So, these 'members' are worthy of our respect?... 

I suppose everyone must answer that for themselves. American society was constructed to provide for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I guess that means drag queens get the green light here. But this happened on a global stage. I also suppose we have to bear in mind that this stage was produced by the Frogs. They have been know to be weird on occasion. But, (everything has a big but, right...). But the hairy hookers took it a little too far this time. 

They concocted a scene that looked dramatically like the "Last Supper." It was met with backlash, criticism, and disdain by Christians the world over. By all appearances this was an insulting violation of sacrilege. The response, "We didn't intend to offend anyone." Really? Frankly I'm sick of these quips of denial in spite of evidence to the contrary. It no different than stomping on a person's toes then when told "you stepped on my foot" and responding with "I didn't step on your foot." There's too much of that going on of late. Trying to figure out what were they thinking? Forget it. Trying to figure out what those of dubious character and unstable mind are thinking is akin to figuring out why cattle fart. Who knows and who cares. Once it blows out their ass it's done. Deal with it. 

So, what are we to think of this 'event'? It's kind of like a cattle fart in a way. It was inexplicable, they blew it out their ass and now we're left to deal with the stench. 

Back to writing again...

 Six months ago I retired from my job of 48 years. Let me tell you, that's a long time. I never thought that I would work that long and to be honest, I have no regrets. Had I retired sooner, I think the transition would have been more difficult. Even at 70 it's not an easy transition. The first few months are great, you feel free and unburdened. Then it starts to sink in what life is going to be like for the rest of your life. Everyone is different, granted, but I believe most are probably like me. If you have been really busy for the last 50 years or so, your need to stay busy doesn't go away. You're still going to need to be involved and engaged. The only difference is what you are involved and engaged with changes. You have to decide what that is... In essence, you have to create a new life for yourself. And then live it.

About 14 years ago I had a great life experience. It inspired me to do something that a lot of people say they're going to do but never do it. I wrote a book and published it. It hasn't made enough money to change my lifestyle, but who knows, maybe someday it will. I think it's a really good book and I've had a lot of people tell me so. I've also been told that it would make a fantastic movie. Writing it was a wonderful experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I'm proud of the accomplishment. So much so that I started another book. The second book has turned out to be a journey that I never expected. I like action thrillers, I read a lot of them. Not exactly murder mysteries or spy novels, but thrillers that involve ordinary people that get into extraordinary situations. I would call my current project a historical thriller. You know, James Michener kind of stuff. Understand, I'm not in James Michener's league, never will be. But I chose this type of story because my wife is an American Indian. Choctaw tribe. As I learned about her ancestors I became fascinated with their history. And some very famous, and infamous people that crossed paths with the Choctaws. I've been working off an on for about 12 years on this book and I'm happy (and relieved...) to say it's about to wrap up. It's historically accurate but the characters and some events are of course, fictional. The research to achieve the historically accurate part was extensive and I'll admit, that's not my favorite way to while away hours. Many of the fictional characters are based on real people and I've asked each of those people for their permission. I haven't denigrated anyone, my goal was to honor them. But here's the catch, I'm working on developing the denouement, that is, the ending. The final twist in the plot. We've all read some books that were really good, maybe even great, but then you get to the ending it's disappointing. Lacking, leaves you hanging. And then there's those books that as you near the end you cant stop. You cant put it down. And when you read the last word all you can think is wow! Holy cow, didn't see that coming. Trust me, as a writer that's the toughest part of the job. Readers will remember you because you delivered.  

With no job to go to anymore this is my job now. It doesn't pay much and there are no benefits, but I can show up when I feel like it and not show up when I dont. (And no one cares...) But most of all, it's fun. I can't say just when it's going to hit the electronic shelves of Amazon, all I can say is I hope soon. Very soon. I'll post when it does, and when it does do me a favor and grab a copy and have a read. I promise you won't be disappointed and you'll have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. 

There's Artificial Intelligence, but that's not all there is to it...

  In a previous post I talked of Artificial Intelligence, or AI. A principal point I was attempting to make was that that at the root of AI ...