"In times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Kind of sounds like he really was accurately prescient, doesn't it? Was he thinking about 2016 when he said that? Was he thinking about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? Lord knows the two of them have done enough lying to last us all for a few generations. No need to recite the instances each has lied, I don't type posts that long and besides if you don't know of most of them then you just aren't paying attention. I will say this though, there have been numerous, yes numerous people that have 'showed up dead' in direct relation to Clinton's habit of lying. Thank goodness most of us aren't close to her but if you are and she starts lying I'd run like hell. How do you know for sure when she's lying, if her mouth is open and her lips are flapping, then she's lying. (I know, you saw that one coming...)
Seriously, if your habit of lying is costing people's lives, you might want to stop lying. That is, if you care. Obviously Clinton doesn't care. Trump lies too, though his lies so far haven't proved to be lethal to anyone. At least not yet... What is the difference between lying and embellishment? That's nitpicking. Like back in 1997 when Bill Clinton was asked if he was having a relationship with Monica Lewinsky and responded "that depends on the definition of 'is'". And he dished out this barge full of bullshit to a congressional subcommittee. The boy either has large cajones, he's dumber than shit or he thinks everybody else is dumber than shit.
It really matters not what party you may associate yourself with. Forget about political parties for a moment. Just think about behavior, what a person actually did or said. Be it Bill, Hillary or The Donald. Was Bill telling the truth when asked about his relationship with Monica? No. Was Hillary telling the truth when asked about the reason the Embassy compound was attacked on 9-11? No. Was Donald telling the truth when he said the FBI just found 15,000 MORE emails of Hillary's this week? No. Were they aware that they were lying at the time? Yes, but that doesn't matter. Pleading ignorant wont get you off the hook with your mother or a traffic ticket. So it sure as fuck doesn't count when you are in or close to the office of the presidency.
Sounds like it's high time for a revolution, huh George?....
If you're looking for some insight into relating what goes on in American politics to how it affects our lives you've come to the right place. I like to look at what goes on through the lenses of common sense. We have a two party system and over time each party has big successes and big failures. Each has significant accomplishments and ridiculous blunders. I try to give credit where credit is due.
I know you've heard it before, but...
I know you're heard it before but, what in the name of hell is the world coming to? Politics, yeah, well, we'll leave that one alone for now. U.S. politics is currently on a trip to hell in a handbasket. One of my favorite pastimes is people-watching. Well, maybe not people watching as much as people observing. How they behave, react, and the things they do. I heard on the news this morning that a group of people are suing the makers of the game Pokémon Go. They say it is ruining their life. Yep, That's what I said... Pokémon Go is ruining their lives so they sued the makers of the game. Property owners are suing as well saying it directs people onto their property. Private property. Now that one I can go along with. In fact, more power to them. I'd love to be the judge presiding over the case of the people suing because the stupid game is ruining their life.
"And just how is this game ruining your lives?"
"Well, your honor, it' just so addicting we just cant stop. Like a dangerous drug."
"Really you don't say? Do you take dangerous drugs?"
"Yessir. I mean no sir. And it leads us into freeways and roadways where there are cars and stuff."
"What, the dangerous drugs?"
"No sir, Pokemon."
"Oh. Go ahead."
"And it keeps us outdoors causing us to suffer sunburns and aggravating our allergies."
"Uhm, uhm, uhh. That's terrible. have you tried stopping that behavior? You know, like turning your phone off or something like that?"
"Oh no your honor, it's too addicting for that. Remember, it's like a drug addiction. You cant just stop cold turkey."
"Hmm. I see. Is there a rehab program for such an addiction?"
"We don't know, your honor. But we're here because it's the fault of Nintendo for developing and producing an app that inherently puts it's users (us) in harm's way. They gave us something intended for recreation that leads us to danger. And they gave it to us for free. Very deceptive and misleading."
"Hmm. I see. Are you aware that Nintendo didn't produce this game at all. Nor were they in a position to profit from it?"
"What, you cant be serious?"
"Excuse me, but you shall refer to me as Your Honor."
"Sorry your Honor. Nintendo didn't produce this game, sir? Really? Who did?"
"I am the presiding judge in this case, not your attorney. Nor will I do your case research for you. This case is dismissed with prejudice. Now get the hell outta here."
Yes indeed. What is the world coming to...
"And just how is this game ruining your lives?"
"Well, your honor, it' just so addicting we just cant stop. Like a dangerous drug."
"Really you don't say? Do you take dangerous drugs?"
"Yessir. I mean no sir. And it leads us into freeways and roadways where there are cars and stuff."
"What, the dangerous drugs?"
"No sir, Pokemon."
"Oh. Go ahead."
"And it keeps us outdoors causing us to suffer sunburns and aggravating our allergies."
"Uhm, uhm, uhh. That's terrible. have you tried stopping that behavior? You know, like turning your phone off or something like that?"
"Oh no your honor, it's too addicting for that. Remember, it's like a drug addiction. You cant just stop cold turkey."
"Hmm. I see. Is there a rehab program for such an addiction?"
"We don't know, your honor. But we're here because it's the fault of Nintendo for developing and producing an app that inherently puts it's users (us) in harm's way. They gave us something intended for recreation that leads us to danger. And they gave it to us for free. Very deceptive and misleading."
"Hmm. I see. Are you aware that Nintendo didn't produce this game at all. Nor were they in a position to profit from it?"
"What, you cant be serious?"
"Excuse me, but you shall refer to me as Your Honor."
"Sorry your Honor. Nintendo didn't produce this game, sir? Really? Who did?"
"I am the presiding judge in this case, not your attorney. Nor will I do your case research for you. This case is dismissed with prejudice. Now get the hell outta here."
Yes indeed. What is the world coming to...
And they keep getting crazier...
After a few discussions about politics I have learned something. It's OK, in fact it's good to learn about what's going on in the world of politics. Learn about the people that want to lead our country. Be informed. Know what the issues are and how the candidates plan to address them. Get involved, even if it's by just being an informed voter. By doing this you'll be able to make up your own mind about what is right for the country, including who should be elected to lead it. Everything we learn and witness throughout our lives effects our political leanings. It forms the basis of our worldview and our political beliefs. Discussions about politics are fine IF you are discussing it with someone who has a mind that is open to at least listen to another's point of view. But that type of person is becoming about as rare as an honest politician. What I have learned is this; don't enter into a discussion about politics with the slightest intention of convincing a person with different political beliefs that yours are right, or even better in some way. I say that because it's never going to happen. Ever.
Granted, there are those that switch over to the other side but they too are quite rare.
I have a good friend, a person I have known most of my life and who is a good man. Mild-mannered, intelligent and kind-hearted. But he has become 'agitated' when it comes to politics. When he hears someone of a conservative bent speak out he lashes out usually with a derogatory and condescending remark. In his world conservatives are ignorant and thoughtless. I think most of the time it's best to keep our political beliefs to ourselves. It's not like by expressing your views you're going to change someone else's. Even if you did, it's not going to change anything in the bigger picture. Your views in fact aren't even going to help elect a president. Because our views and votes don't directly elect presidents. Delegates to the electoral college do. Which is not a bad thing. If you look into the reason the electoral college was created I think you'll agree. It evens the playing field amongst the states, and hence the people. The advantage of the big states goes away. We are all wanting fairness, well with the electoral college we got some. But if it doesn't help their choice of candidate get elected most people don't like it. I mean, if the people aren't directly electing the president, then that's just wrong, right? Why should some elitist group of electorates be choosing our presidents? Let me say this, the wisdom and prescience of our forefathers should never be understated. They obviously understood something that few people of today understand. To put it simply, states with more people should not have more power in electing the president. Besides, based on recent history we're not very good at electing quality leaders anyway.
Granted, there are those that switch over to the other side but they too are quite rare.
I have a good friend, a person I have known most of my life and who is a good man. Mild-mannered, intelligent and kind-hearted. But he has become 'agitated' when it comes to politics. When he hears someone of a conservative bent speak out he lashes out usually with a derogatory and condescending remark. In his world conservatives are ignorant and thoughtless. I think most of the time it's best to keep our political beliefs to ourselves. It's not like by expressing your views you're going to change someone else's. Even if you did, it's not going to change anything in the bigger picture. Your views in fact aren't even going to help elect a president. Because our views and votes don't directly elect presidents. Delegates to the electoral college do. Which is not a bad thing. If you look into the reason the electoral college was created I think you'll agree. It evens the playing field amongst the states, and hence the people. The advantage of the big states goes away. We are all wanting fairness, well with the electoral college we got some. But if it doesn't help their choice of candidate get elected most people don't like it. I mean, if the people aren't directly electing the president, then that's just wrong, right? Why should some elitist group of electorates be choosing our presidents? Let me say this, the wisdom and prescience of our forefathers should never be understated. They obviously understood something that few people of today understand. To put it simply, states with more people should not have more power in electing the president. Besides, based on recent history we're not very good at electing quality leaders anyway.
These are crazy times...
Yes, these are crazy times. In many ways. This year has not been a good one by any measure. Terrorist attacks for one. The crazed Tunisian who drove a truck through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France. The multiple incidents involving the murder of police officers in the U.S. The exit of Great Britain from the European Union. Police shootings. Hillary being nominated by the Democratic Party. Trump being nominated by the Republican Party. What in the hell has gotten into people. Seriously, nominating these two to lead our country? Come on, people. Hillary is dishonest and unscrupulous. Trump is brash, impulsive and stupid. Yes, stupid. No one does some of the shit he's pulling off unless they are stupid. There are plenty of brilliant, capable people who can tell him to shut the fuck up and go away and make him do just that. Where are you? Step up, please...
Like many of you I am not looking forward to four years of leadership from either of these two buffoons.
And just what are we to do about terrorism? How do we stop this insanity? These insane monkeys are wandering about the world killing innocent people as they are going about their lives. Doing it in the name of Allah because we don't adhere to their ignorant, inane beliefs. This is serious folks. These people want and fully intend to kill you. They are not playing around. And they don't mind killing themselves to do it. It's very serious. And you think that Hillary or Donald can come up with something to stop it? Hillary, no. Fuggitaboutit. Donald, well he's just stupid enough he might come up with something. You fight fire with fire, why not fight crazy with crazy...
Like many of you I am not looking forward to four years of leadership from either of these two buffoons.
And just what are we to do about terrorism? How do we stop this insanity? These insane monkeys are wandering about the world killing innocent people as they are going about their lives. Doing it in the name of Allah because we don't adhere to their ignorant, inane beliefs. This is serious folks. These people want and fully intend to kill you. They are not playing around. And they don't mind killing themselves to do it. It's very serious. And you think that Hillary or Donald can come up with something to stop it? Hillary, no. Fuggitaboutit. Donald, well he's just stupid enough he might come up with something. You fight fire with fire, why not fight crazy with crazy...
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