A good read, a very good read...

As a writer, I read a lot. It's kind of like practicing. Professional athletes practice a lot. That's one of the things that makes them so good. That, and a boatload of talent. If we could practice six to eight hours a day we'd all be able to play whatever our sport is much better. We wouldn't be pros but we'd be much better at it than we are. To hone our skills and expand our knowledge we read. It's sort of like 'practice' for us. And we all have our favorites, as in genres, writing styles and authors. Mine, I like action thrillers (of course...). Some of my favorite authors are Joshua Graham, John Irving, Robert Dugoni, David Baldacci, Jay Giles, Scott Turow, Dean Koontz, Harlan Coben, John Grisham, Jeffrey Small, Sandra Brown, James Patterson, Vince Flynn, John Sanford, Robert Goolrick, Sean Chercover,  Jeffrey Archer, John Rector, Michael Connelly. Sorry, got carried away.
I just finished one by a new author though, one I haven't read before. Paula Hawkins, it's titled The Girl on the Train. It's a sub-genre called psychological thriller. I love books that are so well written that they keep your interest so well that you literally don't want to put it down. And this one does that. Her character development is so good you have no problem creating these people in your mind as you read. I've spent a pretty fair amount of time on the tube in London and I can 'see' Rachel sitting across from me and the expressions on her face. When the action really gets cranked and the denouement is unwinding, your pulse will quicken. You may have been reading just before you were about to fall asleep but that will have to wait. You just have to know what's next.
I'm sure this young lady will be drawing a lot of attention in the near future. She's signed a deal with a major publisher and will be on an eight city tour in the US soon. She's a Brit in case you were wondering. The English have found some really good writers in recent years. TL James with her sordid tales of sex and debauchery. Not my style but lots of people like the porn novel. JK Rowling is the master with the kids novels. Read her debut with her first adult novel, she needs to keep her day job writing kids books. And now Paula Hawkins with the thriller. This girl has found her niche. If this is your genre, pick up The Girl on the Train. You will have trouble putting it down. I guarantee it.

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