It was the best of times, it was
the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it
was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of
Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter
of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all
going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way...
Recognize those words? Charles Dickens, A
Tale of Two Cities. They seem to be so eerily relevant to all that's going
on in our country now, don't you think? It depends on your perspective
which of the contradictory phrases you like best. I consider myself a
pragmatist. I'm optimistic, but I'm a pragmatist. Facts are facts. Period. One
of my favorite expressions is "It is what it is..." Let's go to one
of the most talked about events of our time. Benghazi. It has
been revealed in the last few days that there are emails that have
surfaced that gave the talking points for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice
to say regarding the cause of the Benghazi attack on the embassy. And
of course we all recall that she said the attack was the result of
protests to a You Tube video. Ben Rhoades, a White House communications advisor
wrote that one "goal" for Rice was to "underscore that these
protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or
policy." If it looks like a duck and walks like
a duck; well this looks like a bunch of ducks trying to distort the truth
to me. Or to put it in simple terms, fabricating a lie. The White House knew
this had nothing to do with an internet video. So why did they decide to lie
about it? I'll put that in simple terms as well. This happened in September and
Obama was facing re-election in November. A policy failure would not have bode
well for him right before the election. But now we know that the script for
Susan Rice to talk about the situation came from inside the White
House. Because that's what they wanted the public to hear. So a black
woman in a high office who should have been able to think for herself simply
read what they told her to read. Yet once again, Obama and his slackers
lied to the people of the United States. In the Senate inquiry Hillary
Clinton said the talking points came from the IC, Intelligence Community.
No, Hillary, they did not. And you know they didn't. They came from the White
House. A close aide to the president to be more specific. In context, she made
light of the situation by saying, "whether it was a protest or a bunch of
guys out for a walk and deciding to go kill some Americans, what difference
does it make?" What difference does it make you ask?
I'll tell you what difference it makes. It was neither. Not a protest
or a bunch of guys out for a walk you idiot. It was a terrorist attack.
And boots on the ground at the time it happened told you all as much.
But you chose to ignore them and make up some bullshit about a You Tube video.
What difference does it make? Four good Americans serving their country died.
And you and the president don't even have the decency to tell the
truth about the circumstances of their death. And you knew the
That's but one case of the president and his
slackers lying to the people. There are more. The IRS scandal, Fast and
Furious, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period."
I don't know about you but I feel embarrassed. In front of the
world our president is lying to us. Repeatedly. And he is dumb enough to
think that we're dumb enough to believe him. You don't need to be a political
scholar to see that the government is growing. It is expanding
it's role and it's authority in the details of Americans' lives. Do you need
evidence of that? You shouldn't. It's more than obvious. Take Obamacare.
Federal law now dictates that you will buy and keep health insurance. If
you don't you will be fined. That choice has been taken from you. Oh, you
HAD health insurance you say. No problem, Mr. Obama said if you like your plan
you can keep your plan. Period. No, you can't. Most of those plans no
longer meet the federally mandated requirements. Like providing condoms to
idiots who can't keep their zippers up and dresses down.
Yes, these are strange times. But I don't
think strange is the best adjective. It was the age of wisdom it was the age of
foolishness... Need I say more.
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