Malaysian Air Flight 370

About a month has passed and Flight 370 still hasn't been found. The Australians have picked up on the pings form the black box, but they haven't located, or found anything yet. Very sad for the victims and especially the families of the passengers. And in the squalor and ineptitude of their helplessness the Malaysian authorities claim that every passenger remains a suspect. How nice, these families have lost loved ones in a tragic and mysterious lost plane and the authorities insult them by claiming all of them are suspects. Possible perpetrators of what has happened. It can't be called an accident yet, because no one knows or has evidence that it actually was an accident. Could a passenger be responsible for what happened? It's possible. Could a pilot have been responsible? Of course. In fact that scenario is a lot more likely since they were driving the damn thing. Given the level of sophistication the world intelligence community has reached, one would think it would be known if there were a terrorist on board. But those slimy little bastards seem to crawl in and out of places before the spooks can catch up to them. But they also like to claim responsibility for their vileness. They want the world to know they killed infidels before they go off to enjoy their 72 virgins or however many it is... I think it would be safe to say it wasn't the work of a terrorist. Could it have been a mechanical malfunction. Once again, it's possible. But airplanes don't have a habit of turning around and flying the other direction unless someone with a pulse takes the controls and turns it around. Again, I think it's safe to say, no mechanical malfunction. So, we are left with the arrow of guilt pointing at the pilots. Was it just one of them? Big jets have at least three in the cockpit. Did all three conspire to ditch their own jet? Probably not. Radical thinking capable of something like that usually doesn't come in triplet form. Could the perp have 'disabled' the other two somehow then executed his plan and 270 people alone? Now we're really getting into the field of likely scenarios.
But, there's always a big but in every story. But, we don't know that for sure, and the sad thing is we never will. We can figure out some likely scenarios but we'll never know which one it was. There's certainly no survivors and any and all evidence is lost at the bottom of a very big and very deep ocean. It's really hard to find stuff in a place like that. But, there's another one. The last thing anyone needs to do is say that 270 passengers are suspects. Or, is it maybe 269...

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