There's Artificial Intelligence, but that's not all there is to it...

 In a previous post I talked of Artificial Intelligence, or AI. A principal point I was attempting to make was that that at the root of AI was the same thing that is found at the root of all computer capability, code. Everything a computer does and is capable of doing is based on code. Code is simply written computer instructions. That may be a bit oversimplified but in essence it's true. For the technological level of computing available to most businesses and individuals today, that is the status quo today. Every application, every program, every operating system, is based on and functions with computer code. It matters not if the chip is AMD, Nvidia, Intel, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments..., they are nothing more than silicon and plastic without the aid and support of computer code. 

However, things are changing. Though still in the incipient stages, there is a new age of computing technology in the lab as we speak. It's called quantum computing. Arguably, it's a 'quantum' leap ahead of present computing technology (pun intended). The amalgamation of quantum computing with artificial intelligence is akin to finding a new inhabitable planet in the universe. There are 'breakthroughs in technology' but those words don't even begin to describe this one. 

Enough pie in the sky, let's start at the beginning and break this down. What exactly is quantum computing? According to IBM, quantum computing is "an emergent field of cutting-edge computer science harnessing the unique qualities of quantum mechanics to solve problems beyond the ability of even the most powerful classical computers." The field of quantum computing contains a range of disciplines, including quantum hardware and quantum algorithms. Still very much in the development phase, quantum technology will soon be able to solve complex problems that the supercomputers of today can't solve, or can't solve fast enough. By taking advantage of quantum physics, fully realized quantum computers will be able to process immensely complicated problems orders of magnitude faster than modern machines of today. To add some perspective, quantum computers may be able to solve challenges in a matter of minutes what might take a classical computer thousands of years to complete. 

All fine and good, but continuing on, what is quantum mechanics? In a single, simple sentence, it is the study of subatomic particles. This is about to get a little technical, apologies, but when talking about quantum mechanics it's hard to avoid getting a bit technical. In understanding quantum computing it's necessary to understand four key principles of quantum mechanics. 

  • Superposition - the state in which a quantum particle or system can represent not just one possibility but a combination of multiple possibilities. At the same time.
  • Entanglement - the process in which multiple quantum particles become correlated more strongly than regular probability allows.
  • Decoherence - the process in which quantum particles and systems can decay, collapse or change converting into single states measurable by classical physics. 
  • Interference - the phenomenon in which entangled quantum states can interact and produce more and less likely probabilities. 
I know, it's getting knee-deep, but stay with me. Classical computers, that's what you're using to read this now, rely on binary bits (zeros and ones) to store and process data. Quantum computers, on the other hand, can encode even more data at once using quantum bits or qubits, in superposition. A qubit can behave like a bit and be either a zero or a one, but it can also be a combination of a zero and a one at the same time. When combined, qubits in superposition can scale exponentially. Two qubits can compute with four pieces of information, three can compute with eight, and four can compute with sixteen. However, each qubit can only output a single bit of information at the end of the computation. Quantum algorithms work by storing and manipulating information in a way inaccessible to classical computers. In simpler terms, they have a hard time communicating with each other.
Silicon chip development has come a long way in a short time, but it's possible that we might soon reach a limit on the computing power of classical computers. Quantum computing appears to be the likely path forward. It is definitely a field we need to familiarize ourselves with. 
As with most contemporary topics, they're complicated. In the field of technology, they're especially complicated. We can only imagine the training and capability required to work in this field of the future.
Artificial Intelligence will bring into the realm of computing machines that can see, hear, smell and touch, and interpret and react. Humanlike, so to speak. Combined with computing power beyond anything we have today, there's so much more to the story than we can imagine...

The Pete Hegseth Confirmation Hearings...

 As I watched portions of the Pete Hegseth confirmation hearings today, felt some very strong feelings about what I was seeing and hearing. Hegseth himself is a decorated combat veteran who achieved the rank of Major. He is President Trumps' nominee for Secretary of Defense. Several of the senators who questioned him are veterans themselves. I hold the utmost and supreme respect and admiration for veterans. All veterans, and especially those who were combat veterans as well as those who are deceased. They gave us their best and we owe them our best. The questioning senators who are veterans represented both sides of the aisle. It is with disdain and lament that I even mention "both sides of the aisle" but after listening to the confirmation hearings today I feel it necessary and appropriate.  

When I first began to take notice of an incipient partisan divide in the country and politics in particular was during the Obama administration. If you recall the incident early in Obama's presidency when a white police officer arrested a black Harvard professor attempting to gain entry into a Washington residence, his own, by the way. This caused a tremendous uproar at the time, no doubt in large part owing to the fact that a white policeman arrested a black man. That, and many of the events that followed only served to deepen the racial divide in the country. One of those 'events' came directly from the constrained intellect of Obama himself. When the president was asked his opinion on the matter in a press conference a few days later, he remarked that he thought the Cambridge Mass. police had acted "stupidly". Obviously, a US president does not need to involve himself in local police matters, nor does he have any business doing so. The pivotal point in the entire incident and the only 'stupid act' was Obama's birdbrained public statement that 'the police acted stupidly. For a US president and leader of the free world to make such a statement without thinking what the impact of such might be on black youth, white youth, impressionable minds who might harbor contempt for the police, was immoral, unethical, unconscionable, and yes, damn stupid. The racial divide just got deeper. 

The racial divide isn't the only breakdown in civility we are suffering. There are others, there are many. As a civilized society we seem to be regressing in our ability to solve our differences. We are too quick to choose sides and do battle. Probably the most prolific and notable of these are those associated with ideological political issues. The country is more politically divided now than at any point in the last twenty years. Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals are less inclined to collaborate and reach mutual understanding on issues. But the underpinning root of the dilemma is this; the perception and view that each party has of the other continues to grow more extremely negative. And the lengths that some are prepared to go to to undermine the other are becoming seriously depraved. Just a couple of examples if I may. The recent episodes of lawfare. Not just one but three of them. The Bible verse 'The truth shall set you free' doesn't always apply in a court of law. The FBI lying on a FISA application, Hillary Clinton's campaign paying a rogue British agent to fabricate a false dossier on Trump, suggesting Russian election interference. Democratic operatives knowingly and intentionally concealing Joe Biden's failing capacities (and abilities to carry out his duties...). 

Was the reason and motivation for these acts to affect the outcome of an election? (And to win?) If it were, such can never be proven. But to even the most casual observer the motivation is as clear as a Montana sky. We simply accept it and move on. After watching the Hegseth confirmation hearings today, it's apparent some Democratic Senators are having problems with accepting and moving on. Their petulant, partisan behavior indicates that their motivation to undermine 'the other side' is still firmly in place. Even if Joe Biden isn't...

Enough is enough.

 As one of the twentieth century's most revered and admired writers once said, "In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell had a gift of prescience that few human beings have ever had or ever will possess. Eric Arthur Blair, who wrote under the pen name George Orwell was a classic idealist who wrote in support of democratic socialism. He was an articulate critic of totalitarianism and a staunch supporter of democratic socialism. If he were alive today, would he be able to see through the deception of those who claim to advocate for the latter while leaning toward the former? 

I believe Orwell was a pragmatist. Much the same as the founding fathers of America. In the core of their soul, all of their senses; emotion, intelligence, patriotism, loyalty guided them to construct the constitution of the United States. A framework of law and order that has endured almost two and a half centuries and remains the most viable model of democracy in the history of the world. Their guiding light in the dark storm of anarchy was the desire to develop a system of governance that would be of the people, by the people and for the people. Through two hundred and forty-nine years since not all of our leaders have been so focused and altruistic. Had it not been for the forefathers' brilliance in putting together such a masterpiece we might be in serious trouble today. Orwell, I believe shared their idealism. He was vigorously opposed to all forms of totalitarianism. His 'ideal' society was one where everyone had an equal voice and shared equally in the collective efforts. Not exactly aligned with the doctrines of laissez-faire, but noble and well-meaning nonetheless. 

Back to Orwell's quote, "In a time of deceit..." Are we currently in a time of deceit? Yes, it's not something that only came about in the 21st century, but yes, we are. Veracity has always been a problem with the human race. With some more than others. Politics is a very complex province. Having a tenuous relationship with the truth is not uncommon with a lot of politicians. In fact, lying is so prevalent that it is difficult for the constituents to know when they're not being lied to. Many of them simply don't understand that lying by omission is still lying. But through the blur, the obfuscation, the pandering, the bald-faced lying the truth is there. Often hard to find, difficult to decipher, it's always there. We must also bear in mind that simply putting the truth forward and presenting it isn't always enough. It has to be accepted. If the party-to-be-convinced doesn't accept the truth and choose to remain ignorant, well, not much that can be done about that. In any given group there will always be those who choose to 'believe what they want to believe', the truth be damned. So be it. But the majority of any group will listen to reason. The truth can be very convincing. Especially when it's in one's favor and to one's benefit. And it often is.

Relating this to American politics, it can be argued that the outcome of the recent elections in the US prove the above axiom, that the truth can be very convincing. One side kept insisting that the economy was strong, inflation was in check, immigration was no longer a problem, America was strong and respected by its' adversaries. The other side was telling us "They're not being truthful with you." The response from the American voter was profound and hermetic. Side 'B" we don't believe you, Side 'A' we're going to give you a chance to fix the mess Side 'B' made. It would behoove you to deliver. We're tired of the lying, enough is enough...

Our legal system isn't always about right and wrong...

The Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision allowed the sentencing of Donald Trump to proceed in the New York State Court case against him. Today, Judge Juan Merchan sentenced Trump to, nothing essentially. No fine, no jail time, nothing. That is basically an admission that they accomplished what they set out to do, which was to label you, Trump as a convicted felon.  After the sentencing today, Trump is officially a convicted felon. Once the appeal is completed he will no longer be. However, what Bragg and Merchan failed to do, which was without doubt their primary objective, was to inflict sufficient damage to Trump to cause him to lose the presidential election. I suppose the rationalization they appear to be OK with accepting at this point is 'we'll take what we can get'. Doesn't matter to them that on appeal, their case will crumble like a California mudslide. I find it a bit offensive that Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Amy Conen Barrett decided to allow the sentencing to proceed. In essence, the two justices were giving a tacit approval to the despicable and partisan New York courts. 

I have long been a follower, admirer and advocate of the U.S. Supreme Court. The highest court in the country, the final say, a supreme, non-partisan judicial power. But unfortunately, not always so. Justices are conservative and liberal, and they invariably tend to vote that way. Not always, but usually. Presidents, when they are faced with appointing a replacement justice, are none too happy to add a vote that typically pleases the party. But it doesn't always happen that way. We have to assume that the justices vote the way that their seasoned, legal minds tell them to vote. But do they? If they dont vote along party lines, what is guiding them? Our next logic tree assumption is they are voting according to the law. These sage elders are the ultimate counselors of the constitution. The problem is, they're humans and like the rest of us, they have flaws. In addition to their extensive legal training and experience, they have the influence of life experience. And life experience often induces bias. They should be much better than the rest of us at keeping bias at abeyance, but they're still human. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Barrett, voted with the liberal justices, to allow the sentencing to continue. Are they ok, with what has taken place in Judge Merchan's court? Do they agree with the legality and decorum of the proceedings? We don't know, all we know is what they decided. 

Let's go back to the original premise, what's right and what's wrong. Is it wrong for the Supreme Court to allow this travesty of justice to continue? Most of us are not lawyers and we don't need to be to understand what should and should not have happened throughout this circus act. It doesn't matter if you are a liberal or a conservative or a Supreme Court judge. A sense of decency and respect for the rule of law is all that is needed. And some common sense. With profound dismay, I believe neither if those virtues seemed to be present at all in the proceedings from the bringing of the charges to the verdict to the sentencing to the Supreme Court decision. History will remember this as a blatant abuse of the law. We can only hope that it will never happen again. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Barrett, granted the appeals process will no doubt correct this legal aberration. But you had the authority to stop it and send a clear message, this should not have happened. But you didn't. While you didn't violate the law, you clearly violated what is right and what is wrong. We expect much better from the 'final say'. Your job includes a little more than interpreting the constitution. It includes interpreting right and wrong. And you failed us...

The world is changing, and so is our vocabulary...

 You have undoubtedly noticed over the past several years that there has been an infusion of 'new' and probably somewhat odd words into our lexicon. Actually, this has been going on for a very long time. Each time you have seen or heard one you have probably, as I have, thought, "what?", where did that come from and what exactly does it mean?... And they keep coming. These are called neoterisms. The invention of a new word. Sometimes they're words that have been around for a long time, but have taken a new meaning. I suppose that lexicographers figure that at some point, once they fall into mainstream usage, they then qualify to become an official new entry into the language. And there are quite a number of them. Neologisms, as they are also called, usually result if the public takes a liking to a word and uses it a lot. Let's take a look.

Merriam Webster added 200 new words to the dictionary in 2024. Other lexicographers have added as many or more. Some of the more common ones that have perhaps been heard more often include such terms as 'woke'. In the mid twentieth century, woke had come to mean well informed or aware, especially in a political or cultural sense. Now, generally woke is an umbrella term for subscribing to progressive values. The term was originally coined by progressive Black Americans and used in racial justice movements in the early to mid 1900's. Young people and segmented cultures tend to come up with new words more often, and for whatever reason some of them tend to 'stick'. Perhaps one of the most famous of the day is  'MAGA', Make America Great Again. It was certainly no one from Gen Z who thought of this one. But it is undoubtedly a word which will live in the history books. And how about 'bussin', meaning great, wonderful or amazing. This word originates in African American culture and is likely based on the term 'bust', meaning to explode, to do well, or to enjoy. Another word that has been around for some time (acronym, actually) is FOMO/JOMO. Stands for 'Fear of missing out/Joy of missing out. These are actual (perceived) conditions. I suppose...  How about Troll. We have all heard this one. A troll is one who makes entries or statements online to incite controversy. Not to stimulate conversation but simply to stir up trouble. Biohacking. Making incremental changes to your body and your lifestyle to improve overall health. That's a new one to me. Unplug. It's no longer to pull the electrical cord of an appliance from the wall. It's to disconnect from the stressors of life. Thankfully, it still includes pulling electrical cords from the wall. 'Mansplain' is another. It combines the word 'man' and 'explain'. No further explanation is needed...

Here's an interesting thing to consider. With new words and phrases being invented constantly, there are and were actually words and phrases that appeared but once in the recorded history of a language, the works of an author or in a context. They are known as 'hapax legomenon'. Some examples include the word 'apoculamus' meaning 'we rush off', found in section 62 of the Satyricon. Hapax legomenons are actually quite common, I suppose, something like neoterisms. So coming up with new words isn't something unique to recent times. The specific cultural and social circumstances that might facilitate a new word coming into mainstream use aren't known. Probably because they are constantly changing, just like our vocabulary. It's quite likely that a good many of these incipient words and phrases are born on social media sites. 

Let's explore some more. IYKYK; if you know, you know. Stan; a combination of the words stalker and fan. GOAT; greatest of all time.  Clap back, aka comeback or verbal retaliation. Flex; showing off one's accomplishments. Originated in Black culture in the 90's, often used in rap songs. Cheugy; a Gen Z term that gained popularity on TikTok, describes anything that is considered uncool, untrendy, or people who stick to older trends. Ghosted; emerged from the online dating landscape and describes a romantic partner who withdraws suddenly, into anonymity. Rejection without any explanation. Sus; when something or someone doesn't seem right. A shortened version of 'suspicious'. 'Tea' is all about exchanging juicy gossip. Derived from the 80's and 90's ball culture which is where LGBTQ people performed in drag competitions to celebrate their queerness. Rizz; romantic appeal or charm. Situationship; is a casual, undefined, commitment-free relationship. Touch grass; to participate in normal activities in the real world especially as opposed to online experiences and interactions. Deepfake; images, videos, or audio which are edited or generated using artificial intelligence tools. They may depict real or non-existent people. And let's not leave out bandwidth. Originally, a tech word referring to the signal strength or capacity of a communication medium. Now bandwidth is used more to describe a person's work capacity or ability. 

With the constant stream of new words and expressions coming our way, we need a lot of bandwidth to keep up with them all...

2024 is behind us, let's have a look...

 It's been a long year, and a tough one at that. We probably say that at the end of almost every year, but maybe, this time we really mean it and have a right to think it. It's been along one, any period of time that involves some historically significant events that will affect future generations can rightfully be considered long. And my, oh my, did this year include some historically significant events. Depending on your perspective, some of the events could be considered disastrous while others may be thought wondrous. As usual, I am mostly referring to the realm of American politics but there were others. I'll come back to those later...

It was an election year, and the results of this one will undoubtedly be felt for years. In some ways that we don't even know about yet. In the not so distant future Canada and Greenland may become ratified as U.S. states. Maybe even Panama. With Trump retaking the Whitehouse the future looks anything but bright for Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban et al. The same can be said for Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, Letitia James, Jack Smith or any other purveyor of lawfare. I'm not suggesting that Trump is a superhero that has come to the rescue of all that ails the world. But let me tell you what he is not. He's not a truth-averse idiot with a progressive agenda and who understands that excessive government spending is not a sustainable course. And that such has consequences, we're actually living them, right now. 

With all the vacuous blabber from liberals threatening to leave the country in the event Trump were to win, or to be immured to a concentration camp, well, the odds of concentration camps are probably zero to none.  If you were planning to flee the country in order to avoid the deplorable conditions of conservatism, and the end of lawfare, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I hear the weather is splendid year round in Palestine and the Hezbollah would love to have you. 

If you are a progressive and you're worried about spending the next four years in a concentration camp, you might have more important issues you need to be tending to. If you are a student pro-Hamas protester at an Ivy League college, you might want to consider another pastime. If you are a liberal, Soros-backed DA in a blue city, you might want to start your job search now. If you are Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Adam Schitt or Alexandria Occasion-Cortez, you might want to go... (sorry, I have a policy of no swearing in my posts, I'll stick with it.) But most of all, I'll say this about Trump, he has a set of balls. Cojones, twins, clackers, stones, family jewels, baby balloons, nards of doom, chucklenuts, welfare check makers, sacramento sack lunch, hung, sway, pochangles, mastodondong, stephen colbert, testicular fortitude... chutzpah. He's got guts. He doesn't suffer or back down from idiots or bullies. Maybe he doesn't have enough sense to be afraid, but hey, whatever works. He understands balance sheets. What happens when you spend more than you make. He understands fair trials and due process, and how it feels to be denied such. He understands that it's stupid to be importing oil when we possess some of the world's largest  reserves and the advanced technology to deal with it economically. He understands that American Veterans deserve to be treated with respect. He understands that open borders are creating insurmountable problems, economic and social, that they must be closed. He understands that in spite of what Joe Biden has told us, that we have not had a prosperous economy for the past four years. In spite of his faults, he does have something valuable to bring to the table. His mental acuities appear to be sound and his son isn't a drug-addled criminal. So far, so good...

I said I would mention some significant events outside of politics. The CEO of a major health care insurer was assassinated in cold blood on the streets of New York City. The Chicago White Sox lost 121 games. Not quite the record, but damn close. Drag queens entertained us (well, some of us...) at the Olympic opening ceremonies. The Notre Dame cathedral re-opened. Mexico elected its first female president. The Dow Jones surpassed 40,000 for the first time ever. Nvidia surpassed Microsoft as the most valuable publicly traded company as its market cap surpasses $3.34 trillion (didn't see that one coming...). The LA Dodgers defeated the NY Yankees in the World Series. More men than ever are changing their self-identification to participate in women's sports, as the popularity of women's sports soars. Artificial Intelligence has proved invaluable to healthcare. 

There's some of the events that took place on the 'big stage', now let's look at some that took place in the lives of everyday people. Daniel Penny was acquitted for the strangulation death of Jordan Neely in Manhattan after being charged with murder by the infamous (and despicable) Alvin Bragg. Neely threatened to kill innocent subway passengers and was restrained by Penny. Mason Branstrator was paralyzed in a skiing accident at 17. At 20, he competed in a wheelchair marathon in Duluth Minnesota. The Prospector Theater in Ridgfield, Connecticut hires people with disabilities for a variety of roles from serving popcorn to ushering to taking tickets. They search for individual talents that they can showcase to shine. This includes painting movie posters to a pre-movie rap performance for theatergoers. Lyn Story, a 64 year-old retiree in Fort Worth Texas, uses her free time to help those in need. Story met April Goodwin, a 46 year old who had been diagnosed with uterine cancer, on the Nextdoor app. Goodwin needed help getting to her treatments and Story volunteered to help. She not only helped drive Goodwin to her appointments, but gave rides to others including a local resident who is blind. Her story was shared last April and a Philadelphia car dealer who wanted to honor her selfless kindness surprised her with a new car. In 1961, Ed Dwight was selected by John F. Kennedy to enter an Air Force training program known as the path to NASA's Astronaut Corps. After completing the program in 1963, the Air Force recommended he join the corps, but he wasn't selected and entered private life in 1966. He was denied the chance to become the first African American astronaut, but more than 60 years later, at 90 years old, his dream of going to space was fulfilled when he landed a seat on a Blue Origin flight. Jeff Bezos, who founded Blue Origin, has invited many history-makers onto his rockets, which fly into the lower atmosphere of Earth - including Wally Funk and William Shatner. 

 California has a lot of drive-thru windows but one in particular is especially long. But this one has no window, no fast food or cashiers. Each car is met with a troop of volunteers placing bundles of fresh produce and two weeks worth of groceries in the trunk. For free. The Seva Collective food pantry in Santa Ana California is an area known as a food desert. Residents have limited access to nutritious food, so Seva's organizers hand out food and toys purchased by the organizers themselves as a way to help the community. Maureen Stanko always had confidence that her son Nick would be a productive member of the community. Nick is 20 and is on the autism spectrum. She worried about how he would function as an independent adult. So, she opened a restaurant in Skippack Pennsylvania and named it the So Much To Give Cafe. Her goal was to employ others with disabilities like her son, who have so much to give. CBS News visited the cafe where 63 people, 80% with a disability, work as greeters, food runners, sous chefs, dishwashers and servers. Judge Frank Caprio has become a recognized figure around the world. The 88 year-old judge presides over traffic cases and misdemeanors and carries out his job with compassion. The Rhode Island judge had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was going through treatment. Thousands of people returned the kindness and compassion that Caprio shows in the courtroom by sending him letters and gifts. Earlier this year, the judge had even more positivity than usual to share. He got to ring the bell at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute, celebrating his recovery from cancer.

 Life goes on. 2024 will be a memorable year, like all the rest were. Good things happened, bad things happened. Perhaps a takeaway from the past year is this: we will have good leaders, we will have bad ones. The world will always have bad actors. As evidenced in the stories above, there will always be caring, compassionate, selfless people who take the initiative and the lead to give back to their communities and their country. We can't always depend on our leaders, but we should all feel better knowing that we can depend on each other. 

More on Artificial Intelligence......

 Let's dig a little deeper into AI. This is going to be an interesting topic going into the future, and there's little doubt it's going to have an increasingly profound impact on our lives. The more we know about it, the better. 

Let's start with asking the question, what exactly is AI? Artificial Intelligence is technology that enable computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy. Notice that the word 'simulate' is in bold letters. I will come back to the significance of that later. Applications and devices that are equipped with AI can see and identify objects. They can understand and respond to human language. They can learn from new information and experience. They can make detailed recommendations to users and experts. They can act independently, replacing the need for human intelligence or intervention. A good example of this is self-driving cars... 

In 2024 most AI research focused on breakthroughs in generative AI. This is a technology that can create original text, images, video and other content. To fully grasp how generative AI works it's necessary to first understand the technologies on which generative AI tools are built: machine learning and deep learning. The first 'layer', if you will, under AI is machine learning, which involves creating models by training an algorithm to make predictions or decisions based on data. It involves a broad range of techniques that enable computers to learn from and make inferences based on data without being explicitly programmed for specific tasks. There are many types of machine learning techniques or algorithms including: linear regression, logistic regression, random forest, support vector machines (SVM's), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), clustering, and more. Each of these approaches is suited to different kinds of problems and data. 

One of the most popular types of machine learning algorithms is called a neural network, or I should say, an artificial neural network. Neural networks are modeled after the human brain's structure and function. A neural network consists of interconnected layers of nodes (analogous to neurons) that work together to process and analyze complex data. Neural networks are well suited to tasks that involve identifying complex patterns and relationships in large amounts of data. 

The simplest form of machine learning is called supervised learning, which involves the use of labeled data sets to 'train' algorithms to classify data or predict outcomes accurately. In supervised learning, humans pair each training example with an output label. The goal is for the model learn the mapping between inputs and outputs in the training data, so it can predict the tables of new, unseen data. 

Now for a look at Deep Learning. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses multilayered neural networks, called deep neural networks that more closely simulate the complex decision-making power of the human brain. Deep neural networks include an input layer, at least three, but usually hundreds of hidden layers and an output layer. This is unlike neural networks used in classic machine learning models, which usually have only one or two hidden layers. Deep learning doesn't require human intervention. It enables machine learning at a tremendous scale. It is well suited to natural language processing, computer vision and other tasks that involve the fast and accurate identification of complex patterns and relationships in large amounts of data. 

Before we go any further, let's stop and ask a few questions. Earlier, I mentioned that AI will enable computers to simulate human learning, comprehension, etc.. Everything, meaning any capability that a machine or application may have will be based on computer code. Algorithms will be the result of computer code. At this point in time only humans can generate computer code. Will it be possible for computers to generate code in the future? Your guess is as good as mine, but let me say this. If such does become reality (and it probably will...) it can only be because humans made it possible. It's really no different than guns, computers, nuclear weapons, automobiles, and so on. All wonderful products of human curiosity and innovation. But in the hands of those with less than good intentions, all can be evil, powerful and destructive. As we continue to invent implementations for the betterment of the human condition, there continues to be those who'll hijack great inventions to inflict pain and suffering. Such has been the history of mankind...

The DOGE Boys sound off, or should I say Mouth off...

 Soon after the election Trump came up with the idea of an outside entity led by two billionaire entrepreneurs, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to assist in monitoring and advising on efforts to reduce and eliminate inefficiencies and wasteful spending in government. In effect, advisors to the president. They would have no authority to enact policy or legislation, in fact their department is not a government entity at all, it is strictly an outside advisor to the president. And a splendid idea it is. Root out wasteful spending and government inefficiency and propose solutions. Someone should have thought of this a long time ago. To even the most casual observer, the government has a poor record of monitoring itself and practicing continuous improvement. The private sector has a motivation for such to prosper, grow and even for survival itself. The government doesn't, simply due to the fact that they have a cash cow in the form of the American taxpayer. Customers have a choice, taxpayers dont. 

As far as the two chaps selected to lead this effort, great choices. They are successful entrepreneurs and extremely bright, creative minds. More importantly, in this role, they are not beholden to satisfying third party interests, including stockholders. It was a brilliant idea and two brilliant fellows selected to lead it. But here's the thing when dealing with bright, creative independent thinkers. Each of them got to where they are by developing enterprises that are highly successful due to their ability to create organizations that function efficiently and deliver a good or service, under their own leadership. They have been asked to step into a role that leverages their immense talent, but ultimately they are not at the top of this particular hierarchy. They are now advisors, not CEO's. That's a big transition. There are going to be 'bumps in the road'. 

Trump isn't even in office yet and we've already hit the first bump. This brouhaha was kicked off with criticism of Trump's recent pick of Sriram Krishnan as an advisor on AI policy. It was suggested that Krishnan would have influence on The Trump administration's immigration policy. Krishnan has in the past advocated for raising country caps on green cards. This criticism prompted some dubious commentary from Musk and Vivek. Dubious, controversial and inflammatory commentary. Musk has claimed "I will go to war on this." Ravaswamy has claimed "American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence." 

Let me offer a little history and some facts. Elon Musk began working in the U.S. illegally. He was born in South Africa and obtained Canadian citizenship through his mother. He violated the terms of his initial J-1 visa. He is now a naturalized American citizen. Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati to immigrant parents. He graduated from Harvard University and earned a law degree from Yale Law School. In may 2023 Ramaswamy paid an editor to alter his Wikipedia biography before announcing his candidacy. The edits removed references to Ramaswamy's postgraduate fellowship from the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans as well as his involvement with the Ohio Covid-19 Response Team. Paul and Daisy Soros are the elder brother and sister-in-law to George Soros. 

On to commentary and implications of their comments. These two proclaimed geniuses would be well-served to think before they mouth off their opinions. They were not asked or tasked with engineering immigration policy. They both obviously have strong opinions about H-1B visas and allowing unlimited access to such by foreign workers with technical and engineering backgrounds. It's not hard to make the connection between their opinions and the need for these workers in their own private enterprises. Conflict of interest typically is grounds for exclusion and removal from certain positions of influence. Their claims of dire shortages of qualified technical resources in tech industries is a neon contrast to the layoffs of tens of thousands of tech workers over the past several years. It's not a shortage of qualified people, Elon, it's a shortage of qualified management and market demands. And as far as disagreement evoking your comment taken from a movie "Take a step back and fuck yourself in the face," listen Elon, I'm talking to you. Such dribble coming from your pie-hole isn't going to help your cause in any way. In fact, it could lead to the elimination of any need for your help. You were not asked to help with immigration policy. You are not the boss. Thanks for the input, now shut the f*** up and do what you were asked to do. And Vivek, if American culture treasures mediocrity over excellence, why are you here? Are you here to save us from ourselves? Like George and Paul and Daisy Soros? Apparently they're not saving anyone. And neither will you...

Happy Holidays!

 I want to take a moment to thank all of my readers all over the world for letting me share my thoughts and ideas with you. I enjoy writing this blog and I truly enjoying sharing it with all of you. In the coming year we will delve into some new and exciting topics that I hope you will find interesting. Any thoughts or comments you may have are always welcome. 

As a Christian, we celebrate Christmas here. But whatever your faith may be I wish you blessings and happiness and may the New Year bring you good fortune. 

All the Best to You!

Artificial Intelligence; What's the Real Threat?...

 Artificial Intelligence, or 'AI' as it is so often referred to. It's a much talked about topic these days and for good reason. It represents a quantum leap in technology advancement. Its capabilities are remarkable, its potential is practically limitless. It's also very controversial. Bill Gates says it has the potential to solve global problems, can have a tremendous impaction the workforce, yet we must be vigilant about it's development. Neil deGrasse Tyson has warned that AI could destabilize the world and bring about the end of civilization. He has also discussed how AI could revolutionize science.  Tyson has also discussed how AI could be used to spread misinformation and the importance of preventing this. One of the greatest scientific minds ever, Stephen Hawking was a prominent voice in the debate about AI and its potential impact on humanity. He warned that AI could either be the best or worst thing to happen to humanity, and the it could spell the end of the human race. So, amongst some of the great minds of our time we have prognostications ranging from being able to solve global problems to causing the end of the human race. That's a range with proportions on a scale of the distance to the sun and back. 

Let's try and break it down a little bit. First, what exactly is AI? If you were to interview ten random people on the street and ask them 'What is artificial intelligence,' you would undoubtedly get ten different answers. If you were to get two or more of the same answer I'm willing to bet that that answer would be 'I dont know'. It's obviously a very new, incipient field of technology, very sophisticated. A world leader in the field of computer technology and has been for a long time is IBM. IBM says artificial intelligence is 'technology that enables computers to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy.' One might condense that sentence into 'simulate BEING a human'. A key word in the description is 'simulate'. We'll come back to that later. Let's drill down a little further. Computers are machines. They've developed immensely in a short period of time. They will continue to be the embodiment (for lack of a better word) of AI. AI will operate on computers along with a host of technological accessories. By that, I mean sensors (temperature, pressure, velocity, visual, et al.) and of course, databases. The absolute core of artificial intelligence will be the accumulation, assimilation and dissemination of data. Basically the same process we as humans do except we dont refer to it as data, we usually call it experience. We gain knowledge from our experiences and refer to that experience and knowledge to make decisions. This process takes place in our brains, in the case of computers it will take place electronically. In spite of all the technological advancements we as humans have brought into being, computers have, and will for the foreseeable future be limited to requiring 'code' to operate. Meaning, of course, they will require electronic instructions to be able to execute any task. Including artificial intelligence tasks such as decision making, problem solving, creativity, etc.. Perhaps one day computers will be capable of generating code for themselves but for now only humans can develop the operating instructions for computers. Even to take sensory input and take a course of action based on such input will require coded instructions. 

AI is a broad and complex subject that we are currently in a learning stage. What it is, what it will become is still a vast set of unknown parameters. To think that it has the capacity to cause the end of the human race can only occur based on one massive assumption. That we, as humans allow such to happen. Conceptually, it's comparable to nuclear weapons. No living being doubts that weapons of mass destruction are capable of wiping out the human race, or at the least the vast majority of it. In spite of their existence for about 80 years now, such hasn't happened. Will nuclear weapons mark the end of civilization? Will AI? Or maybe something else that we dont even know about yet? But if it is the fate of artificial intelligent to cause such a tragedy, it can only be our own fault. The end of civilization can only be brought about by one source, the inhabitants of civilization itself. What ever tool we may use to facilitate it remains to be seen. 

The Shame of a President...

 Most of us grow up with a sense of reverence for the president. As young people he is a person to look up to, after all, he is the leader of the entire country. We often hear him called the leader of the free world. He is the leader of all leaders. As we age though and learn to think for ourselves we become aware of things that are said and done by the president that give us pause. We begin to look at this person more critically and even question statements they make and their behavior. In spite of carrying unimaginable responsibility they are still human and prone to make mistakes. We expect this and allow for it, within reason. 

There are times, as we have learned in the past few administrations that a president can be short-sighted, highly partisan, selfish, damaging, fatalistic, and yes, unreasonable. We have had a good number of presidents throughout history that have set a high bar for courage and solid leadership and civility. And the consequences of these great leaders is evident in so many ways long after they're gone. For some leaders of the past we have to look long and hard to find their legacy fruits. Our constitution provides for changes in leadership to protect us. And each time there is a change in leadership we are accustomed to seeing it done with respect and civility. As for the transition in power that we are currently seeing, well, it's embarrassing. 

Without going into much detail as it has been hashed in the news so much recently, Biden has reneged on his promise not to pardon his son. Hunter Biden who has multiple felony convictions related to firearms, drugs and taxes has been pardoned not only for those crimes but any others he may have committed over the last ten years. So have a lot of other criminals, over 1,500. A couple of examples; a former Pennsylvania judge who used his private jail system to incarcerate juveniles, while pocketing the profits. The Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro even condemned the pardon saying Biden got it 'absolutely wrong' in what was called the "kids for cash" scandal. Biden also pardoned Rita Crundwell, the former comptroller of Dixon, Illinois. Crundwell was convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 20 years for stealing over a 20 year period over $54 million from the town of 15,000 people. Crundwell admitted to embezzling from the city and using the money to live an extravagant lifestyle. Officials were only able to recover $40 million of the stolen money from court settlements and the recovery of illegitimate assets. 

Biden and his band of flunky bandits have been holding a fire sale on materials leftover from the prior Trump administration for building the southern border wall. The materials were paid for with taxpayer money. And, of course, there are the drones. The drones that have been seen over New York and New Jersey for the past several weeks. Some have even been spotted over California and Nevada. The Biden admin claims they know nothing about them except that they are not from U.S. adversaries and pose no threat to public safety. If they know nothing about them, how do they know they are not from U.S. adversaries and are not a threat to public safety? And given the state of Biden's mental capacity and the administration's proclivity for lying, why should we believe that or anything else they say?... We don't believe them nor do they care...

Joe Biden campaigned on claims of honesty and integrity and respect for the rule of law. Are we supposed to pardon him since he no longer has the ability to remember anything he said four years ago, or even four weeks ago? If I remember correctly, the words "No one is above the law" came out of his pie-hole at some point of pontification in the past. We have had three presidents impeached by Congress in the past, though none were convicted. We've had presidents who performed poorly, most in the years leading up to the civil war. And we've had only one who resigned from office. None of those in the above categories ever displayed the depraved behavior we are now seeing in Joe Biden. Is it because of broken mental faculties? Due to the reason of insanity? It doesnt matter. There are those responsible for preventing and/or stopping this from happening. Those responsible parties not only knew it was happening, they allowed it to continue to happen and lied to the American people about it. Joe Biden may be insane but they are evil. And they share in the shame of a president. 

There's Artificial Intelligence, but that's not all there is to it...

  In a previous post I talked of Artificial Intelligence, or AI. A principal point I was attempting to make was that that at the root of AI ...