Well, another year is winding down. How time does fly, especially the older we get. I'm not admitting to getting old, just making an observation. Looking back on this year, there are some things that concern me. In fact, they just outright bug the hell out of me. Some of them even piss me off. At the top of the list, our leadership. Our president. Not really very presidential. When the president is known to lie and deceive, well that's just a sorry state of affairs. I won't go into the details of his scandals, we've heard so much about them already. If you don't know what's going on then you're more out of touch than he is. IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, it's a long and pathetic list.  And of course, Obamacare. Train wreck, fiasco, calamity, and lies. Lots of lies. It's disheartening to see the behavior we've seen from B.H. Obama. It's frightening to know that someone could be elected president of this great nation and inflict the damage he has. That some one could attempt to set a course for this nation toward socialism, communism. That someone in his position could embody such a reckless disregard for honesty and integrity. Or, as I recently heard, to take such indecent liberties with the truth. This man is guilty of many abominations, against this country and it's people. And for that he is apparently shameless. Remorseless.
I'm not really a subscriber to a political party. I don't espouse a particular set of political ideologies. I do expect as a great president once said, the government should be "by the people, of the people and for the people." Period. (Sarcasm intended...) We have a bicameral government that works on a bipartisan basis. Is that so hard to understand. We dont have two houses of government BUT the president gets the last word. The president's power is THROUGH the congress, not AROUND it. To me, this is all very profound. There is an attempt to change our way of life. A way of life that our forefathers established in law. Indeed in the Constitution. A way of life that has worked for over two-hundred years. That way of life is called freedom. Freedom of choice. Freedom of religion. We've had to fight for it before, it's been threatened alright. And many good, honest, American men and women have given their lives in it's defense. Many more would do the same if called on to do so. But the enemies of state aren't so easily recognizable anymore. Terrorists hide like cockroaches until they strike out and kill innocents. Many Americans have died because they couldn't see the enemy. They didn't know who the enemy was until it was too late. Is our own president an enemy of our freedom? Is he trying to morph it into a socialist state? A state where "everyone gets a shot" as he puts it? A state where the wealth is redistributed so the poor are no longer poor? Where everyone has medical care, whether they can afford it or not? These are all honorable ideals, but there's one problem. He's not smart enough to pull it off. Period.

There's a new book coming by C. Clayton Lewis. I'm heading into the ending, the wrap-up. I hope to wind it up during the holidays and have it published early next year. I haven't even decided on a title yet. It's a historical thriller, that's why it's taking so long. There is so much research that takes so much time. But it's going to be worth the wait, another on-the-edge-of-your seat, keep-you-up-late because you-can't-put-it-down story. After this one I'm going back to Charlie and Jon from The El Morro Connection. Two good ol' working boys who will find new trouble somewhere else in the world...

Protest, being indignant, or being stupid?...

  Last night President Trump addressed the nation in a speech. Several minutes into it, his speech was interrupted by a congressman from Tex...